The Student Network Executive serves as a link between students and researchers in The Network and supports students in their development as language and literacy researchers and practitioners.
Activities of the Student Network Executive include:
You can join the Student Network if you are actively affiliated with a Network research project, or if you are a recipient of a Network Highly Qualified Personnel (HQP) award. Contact Katy Pocock for more information on joining the Student Network.
If you are a student not affiliated with our Network but would like to receive more information about The Network, including funding opportunities and news, send an e-mail including your contact information to Katy Pocock, Program Officer, .
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Just because I don't speak English doesn't mean I'm not smart. I speak another language with my family at home. With the right instruction, I can learn English quickly.
Children like me, who lack English vocabulary skills can draw upon already known language and literacy skills in their first language. And the younger we begin to learn English, the quicker we will acquire these skills. Proper instruction is the key.