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- Authorware
  2004-07-13 15:30:27
- For Animation.
  2004-04-28 10:52:07
- Authorware 7.0
  2004-04-28 10:48:52

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 >>Software >Authoring ToolsPage: 1 

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Total Postings: 3

 Subject: Authorware 7.0
 Posted: 2021-04-28 10:48:52
Currently using this software to develop games and presentations.
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Total Postings: 3

 Subject: For Animation.
 Posted: 2021-04-28 10:52:07
If you would like more animation in your products then use Flash or Swish as a tool to develop swf file. Flash files can be incorporated into many presentations such as Microsoft Power Point or Authorware.
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Posted by:

Total Postings: 3

 Subject: Authorware
 Posted: 2021-07-13 15:30:27
It is a the best and most powerful authoring tool. Try it and tell us what you think.
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Software Development & Information Technology Utilization Group © 2004