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  2004-07-13 15:30:27
- For Animation.
  2004-04-28 10:52:07
- Authorware 7.0
  2004-04-28 10:48:52

Catalogue Additions:
- PDP++
- PRAAT: All purpose tool for speech


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Platform: Version: 3.1 4.5 Megs
License: Free
As the field of connectionist modeling has grown, so has the need for a comprehensive simulation environment for the development and testing of connectionist models. Our goal in developing PDP++ has been to integrate several powerful software development and user interface tools into a general purpose simulation environment that is both user friendly and user extensible. The simulator is built in the C++ programming language, and incorporates a state of the art script interpreter with the full expressive power of C++. The graphical user interface is built with the Interviews toolkit, and allows full access to the data structures and processing modules out of which the simulator is built. We have constructed several useful graphical modules for easy interaction with the structure and the contents of neural networks, and we've made it possible to change and adapt many things. At the programming level, we have set things up in such a way as to make user extensions as painless as possible. The programmer creates new C++ objects, which might be new kinds of units or new kinds of processes; once compiled and linked into the simulator, these new objects can then be accessed and used like any other.
Date: 2021-06-21
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