2 novembre 2005 - Hilton Bonaventure, Montréal, Québec, CanadaPrésentations des experts: * Il peut survenir un certain délai lors du téléchargement des fichiers ... |
A Family Literacy Approach to Improving Children’s Literacy LevelsPoster Presentation from the 2005 Annual Network Conference, Toronto, ON - This study examined famil... |
A Longitudinal Investigation of Reading Growth in Children in French ImmersionWorkshop from the 2006 Annual Network Conference, Charlottetown, PEI - Focused on predictors of rea... |
A Network Approach to Improving Writing Assessment in CanadaWorkshop from the 2006 Annual Network Conference, Charlottetown, PEI - This tutorial focuses on eng... |
A Resource Database of Language Measures from ESL ChildrenPoster Presentation from the 2006 Annual Network Conference, Charlottetown, PEI - This research exam... |
A summer reading intervention for improving phonological awareness in young children at-risk of reading delayWorkshop from the 2006 Annual Network Conference, Charlottetown, PEI - The workshop is based on res... |
A Tool to Assess Selective Attention to Speech in InfantsPoster Presentation from the 2006 Annual Network Conference, Charlottetown, PEI - Examined a test of... |
ABRACADABRA: A Web-based learning and research resource for all CanadiansWorkshop from the 2006 Annual Network Conference, Charlottetown, PEI - There is a pressing need for ... |
Accompanying chart to lay paper on Does the Classroom Assist or Impede the Learning Process?The Problem: If children are unable to hear and understand the words spoken by the teacher, they can... |
Action Research Modules Online: Engaging the Community in Literacy Research InitiativesWorkshop from the 2006 Annual Network Conference, Charlottetown, PEI - University researchers develo... |
An empirical demonstration of « child-effects » on maternal language in the context of twin birthsPoster Presentation from the 2005 Annual Network Conference, Toronto, ON -This study outlines a meth... |
Annual Network Conference 2004 - Montreal"Linking Research, Policy and Practice". Full listing of conference program with links to posters an... |
Annual Network Conference 2005 - Toronto"Building Blocks - sharing early childhood literacy research". Session and workshop presentations ar... |
Annual Network Conference 2006 - Charlottetown“New Worlds, New Words: Partnering for Childhood Language and Literacy” . Web site includes posters... |
Apprentisage Chez Les Jeunes Enfants-Le développement du langage chez les jeunes enfants -Le langage : une porte d’entrée vers la vie... |
Associations between parents’ goals for shared reading, shared reading strategies, and socioeconomic statusPoster Presentation from the 2005 Annual Network Conference, Toronto, ON - This project examined the... |
Babbling of infants exposed to Canadian English and Canadian FrenchPoster Presentation from the 2005 Annual Network Conference, Toronto, ON - Whether or not the lingui... |
Building System and School Capacity for Improved Student AchievementWorkshop from the 2006 Annual Network Conference, Charolottetown, PEI - The Council of Ontario Direc... |
Bulletin du Centre d'Excellence pour le Developpement des Jeunes Enfants-Sages paroles de Rotterdam -Des mots pour l'avenir -À la découverte de la lecture -Trouver... |
Canadian Language and Literacy Research Network Annual Report 2006-07Challenges overcome. Lives transformed... |
Canonical Navigation Structure for Children’s SoftwarePoster Presentation from the 2005 Annual Network Conference, Toronto, ON -Discusses the importance o... |
Challenges in Conducting Research on French Literacy: French ImmersionPanel Discussion from the 2004 Annual Network Conference Montreal QC - Describes the challenges that... |
CLLRNet - Literacy and Public Policy Panel DiscussionAudio Files from 2006 Annual Network Conference - Discussion of Literacy Policy issues. ... |
CLLRNet - Network UpdateAudio Files from 2006 Annual Network Conference ... |
CLLRNet - Opening Plenary - Don't Wait to Fail! Assessment and Intervention Strategies for Improving Early LiteracyAudio Files from 2006 Annual Network Conference - Keynote Speaker Dr. Doug Willms ... |
CLLRNet -Major Network Initiatives Panel UpdateAudio Files from 2006 Annual Network Conference - Updates on the Network Initiatives ... |
CLLRNet Poster #1"If the walls don't come down, they'll never escape." Colourful poster includes background on Networ... |
CLLRNet Poster #2"We're on the same team in language and literacy development." Colourful poster that discusses putti... |
CLLRNet Poster #3"Language and literacy deficiencies limit 25% of Canadians. We can do better starting here..." Colou... |
CLLRNet Poster #4"Invest in my literacy skills today and I'll give you $18 billion tomorrow." Colourful poster that l... |
Cognitive Predictors of Reading Ability in Adolescents with Learning DisabilitiesPoster Presentation from the 2005 Annual Network Conference, Toronto, ON - Phonological awareness ha... |
Communications Brief - Designing a Great PosterPoster presentations are an integral part of the Canadian Language and Literacy Research Network’s A... |
Communications Brief - Disseminating Research InformationDisseminating research findings to an audience or public is an important part of maintaining an orga... |
Communications Brief - Media RelationsThe media can be an important resource for circulating information about language and literacy resea... |
Communications Brief - Research PresentationsPresenting research to the public, educators, practitioners and major decision makers is a way to ma... |
Computer Assisted Intervention: The Language, Social, and Emergent Literacy Outcomes for a child with a Specific Language ImpairmentPoster Presentation from the 2005 Annual Network Conference, Toronto, ON - Examined the effectivenes... |
Computer-Assisted Delivery of Service: An Investigation of Different Applications for the Development of Speech, Oral Language and Emergent Literacy SkillsWorkshop from the 2006 Annual Network Conference, Charlottetown, PEI - The design, implementation, a... |
Core Facility to Support Bilingual Literacy ResearchThe main goal of the core facility is to support bilingual literacy research by giving access to bot... |
Des habiletés non-verbales reliées à la perception du temps sont atteintes chez les enfants présentant une dysphasie développementalePoster Presentation from the 2005 Annual Network Conference, Toronto, ON - Examines temporal process... |
Dès la naissance…et pour la vie: IntroductionLa présente trousse de ressources se fonde sur les dernières recherches portant sur la façon dont le... |
Dès la naissance…et pour la vie: Page 1 de ressourceVoici David : Le cheminement d’un enfant sur la route du langage et de la littératie. Chaque enfan... |
Dès la naissance…et pour la vie: Page 2 de ressourceComment l’éducatrice de David favorise-t-elle l’acquisition du langage Beth est l’éducatrice de D... |
Dès la naissance…et pour la vie: Page 3 de ressourceLe savoir au service de garde : Comment Beth s’y prend-elle pour observer et prendre des notes sur l... |
Dès la naissance…et pour la vie: Page 4 de ressourceComment les parents de David favorisent l’acquisition du langage et la littératie *Merci au NWT L... |
Dès la naissance…et pour la vie: Page 5 de ressourceApprendre une nouvelle langue à la maison : Comment Rose enseigne à David à parler sa langue tradit... |
Dès la naissance…et pour la vie: Page 6 de ressourceApprendre une langue seconde au service de garde : Comment Beth encourage et soutient Hamid et ses ... |
Dès la naissance…et pour la vie: Sommaire de rechercheTable de matières Langage et littératie : Dès la naissance…et pour la vie Premiers liens pour ap... |
Desired Sensation LevelRecent advances in hearing aid technology have permitted the performance delivered by an individual'... |
Documentary film: Writing on the WallWriting on the Wall explores the literacy crisis unfolding in Canada's classrooms. Complete with sho... |
Does the Classroom Assist or Impede the Learning Process?Even moderate levels of noise and poor room acoustics can impair children’s ability to understand cl... |
Does the Classroom Assist or Impede the Learning Process? (condensed, 2007)Hearing and understanding spoken language in the classroom is a fundamental mechanism of learning fo... |
Encyclopedia of Language and Literacy DevelopmentThis web-based resource helps provide answers to questions about children's language and literacy – ... |
ENCYCLOPÉDIE SUR LE DÉVELOPPEMENT DES JEUNES ENFANTS* Ce thème est développé en collaboration avec le Réseau canadien de recherche sur le langage ... |
Enriched shared reading as an approach to Develop Phonological SensitivityPoster Presentation from the 2005 Annual Network Conference, Toronto, ON - Examined an early interve... |
Epilinguistic and Metalinguistic Phonological Knowledge of PreschoolersPoster Presentation from the 2006 Annual Network Conference, Charlottetown, PEI - Examined phonologi... |
Evaluating the Effectiveness of Differentiated Instruction within the Context of Explicit Phonics Instruction"Poster Presentation from the 2006 Annual Network Conference, Charlottetown, PEI - Evaluated the eff... |
Expressive vocabulary deficits in ADHD-at-risk childrenPoster Presentation from the 2005 Annual Network Conference, Toronto, ON - This study examines avail... |
Facilitating use of evidence-based language teaching practices in preschool classroomsMore than three decades of research and policy activities have shaped knowledge about conditions tha... |
Family Literacy - Focus on Preschoolers Young ChildrenWorkshop from the 2006 Annual Network Conference, Charlottetown, PEI - Outlines the Parents as Liter... |
Frequently Asked Questions for parentsThe Canadian Language and Literacy Research Network and Invest in Kids have partnered in a unique pr... |
Group language and literacy intervention for preschool children: The impact on narrative skillsPoster Presentation from the 2006 Annual Network Conference, Charlottetown, PEI - Examined the effec... |
How Language Skills Affect Perceived Prosociality in Kindergarten Boys and GirlsPoster Presentation from the 2005 Annual Network Conference, Toronto, ON - Examined the role of lang... |
Impact of Classroom Noise on Reading and Vocabulary Skills in Elementary School-Aged ChildrenNoise in classrooms often exceeds recommended levels potentially making it difficult for children to... |
Impact of classroom noise on reading and vocabulary skills in elementary school-aged childrenPoster Presentation from the 2006 Annual Network Conference, Charlottetown, PEI - Evaluated the effe... |
Infants' Ability to Learn a New Word from a Nonhuman SpeakerStudent Poster Presentation from the 2006 Annual Network Conference, Charlottetown, PEI - Examined a... |
Influence de la scolarite maternelle, du sexe et de la frequentation d'un milieu de garde sur le developpement lexical de l'enfant francophonePoster Presentation from the 2005 Annual Network Conference, Toronto, ON - This project investigated... |
Integrating computer technology in elementary and secondary schools: The importance of individual characteristics of educators"Poster Presentation from the 2006 Annual Network Conference, Charlottetown, PEI - Examined both the... |
Integrating Computers in Early Childhood Education Environments: Issues Raised by Early Childhood EducatorsPoster Presentation from the 2006 Annual Network Conference, Charlottetown, PEI - Assessed the educa... |
Introduction to Language and Literacy: From Birth...For Life Resource KitResource sheet includes emergent literacy, talking and listening, print awareness, learning to write... |
Investigating Eye Movements of 4-5 Year Old Children During Shared Book Reading"Poster Presentation from the 2006 Annual Network Conference, Charlottetown, PEI - Examined the exte... |
Investigating the Eye Movements of 4-5 Year Old Children During Shared Book ReadingUndergraduate honours thesis presentation from the 2006 Annual Network Conference, Charolottetown, P... |
Language Development DatabasePoster Presentation from the 2005 Annual Network Conference, Toronto, ON - The Language Development ... |
Language environments and language outcomes: Results from the NICHD study of early child care and youth developmentAn overview of the purpose, methods, and findings from the NICHD Study of Early Child Care and Youth... |
Language facilitation in child care settings: A social-interactionist perspectiveA series of four studies investigated the language input of child care providers to toddlers and pre... |
Linguistic Differences Between Shy and Non-Shy Preschoolers: Does Performance Anxiety Play a Role?Poster Presentation from the 2005 Annual Network Conference, Toronto, ON - The present study assesse... |
Listen-HearA system to help children develop their spoken language skills, the Listen-Hear computer software p... |
Literacy and Minority Francophone Schools & CommunitiesPanel Discussion from the 2004 Annual Network Conference Montreal QC - Discusses the main research r... |
Literacy Instruction in Aboriginal SettingsIncreasing success rates for Aboriginal students is one of Canada’s most pressing educational challe... |
L’éveil à l’écritLa lecture de livres entre un parent et son enfant est avant tout une source de plaisir. C’est un mo... |
Making a difference - research to influence policy and practiceWorkshop from the 2006 Annual Network Conference, Charlottetown, PEI - Discussed the type of researc... |
Maturation of Voice-Onset Time RepresentationPoster Presentation from the 2005 Annual Network Conference, Toronto, ON - Examined the relationship... |
Maximizing the Effectiveness of Phonological TherapyPoster Presentation from the 2006 Annual Network Conference, Charlottetown, PEI - Examined children ... |
Monitoring and Targeting Literacy Growth TrajectoriesWorkshop from the 2006 Annual Network Conference, Charlottetown, PEI - Discussed how to monitor and ... |
Notions de communication: Diffusion de l’information sur la rechercheLa diffusion des résultats de la recherche au public contribue de manière importante à la création e... |
Notions de communication: Présentations de rechercheLa présentation de la recherche au public, aux éducateurs, aux intervenants et aux décideurs constit... |
Notions de communication: Relations avec les médiasLes médias constituent un outil essentiel à la diffusion de la recherche en matière de langage et d’... |
Parent-Child Discourse in Picture Book Reading Interactions with Shy and Non-Shy ChildrenPoster Presentation from the 2005 Annual Network Conference, Toronto, ON - The present study examine... |
Parental Goals for Shared Reading across the Primary GradesWorkshop from the 2006 Annual Network Conference, Charlottetown, PEI - Investigated the types of goa... |
Parental Use of Mental State Language in Shared Book ReadingPoster Presentation from the 2005 Annual Network Conference, Toronto, ON -The aim of this study was ... |
Pauses in pre-kindergarten speech as a predictor of reading outcomes"Student Poster Presentation from the 2006 Annual Network Conference, Charlottetown, PEI - This stud... |
Predicting French Immersion Children's Growth in French Passage Reading Ability using HLMPoster Presentation from the 2006 Annual Network Conference, Charlottetown, PEI - Investigated the v... |
Presentations from the Facilitating Early Language Development conference Montreal, 2005November 2, 2020 - Hilton Bonaventure, Montreal, Quebec, Canada Facilitating Early Language Developm... |
Quantifying social language impairment in school-aged children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD)"Poster Presentation from the 2006 Annual Network Conference, Charlottetown, PEI - Tested assessmen... |
Read it again, Pam! On the importance of repeated reading for the development of languageChildren between the ages of 18 months and six years acquire, on average, five new words per day. In... |
Reading Comprehension in English-and French-Speaking Children: Core Processes and Predictors"Poster Presentation from the 2006 Annual Network Conference, Charlottetown, PEI - Examined the rela... |
Recruitment and Retention in Family Literacy ProgrammingWorkshop from the 2006 Annual Network Conference, Charlottetown, PEI - Investigated the factors asso... |
Research Summary - Language and Literacy: From Birth... For Life Resource KitTable of Contents: Early connections for a lifetime of language and literacy learning; Early learnin... |
Resource Sheet 1 - Language and Literacy: From Birth... For Life Resource KitIntroducing David: One child's journey toward language and literacy. Each child is different and e... |
Resource Sheet 2 - Language and Literacy: From Birth... For Life Resource KitHow David's child care practitioner encourages language and literacy: creating print rich rooms, rea... |
Resource Sheet 3 - Language and Literacy: From Birth... For Life Resource KitChild care knowledge at work: story time checklist, activity record, folder and running record.... |
Resource Sheet 4 - Language and Literacy: From Birth... For Life Resource KitHow David's parents encourage language and literacy: strategies for parents to support language deve... |
Resource Sheet 5 - Language and Literacy: From Birth... For Life Resource KitLearning a new language at home: tips for child care practitioners to encourage traditional language... |
Resource Sheet 6 - Language and Literacy: From Birth... For Life Resource KitLearning a second language while in child care: tips for child care practitioners to encourage and s... |
Roadmap to Language and Literacy DevelopmentA web-based resource for parents and practitioners that provides evidence-based information on child... |
Rural-Urban Comparisons of Young Children’s Literacy ContextsPoster Presentation from the 2006 Annual Network Conference, Charlottetown, PEI - Examined geographi... |
Sifting Sands in Times of Changing Literacy TidesWorkshop from the 2006 Annual Network Conference, Charlottetown, PEI - A description of the Pre-Scho... |
Software Development and Information Technology Utilization GroupPoster Presentation from the 2006 Annual Network Conference, Charlottetown, PEI - A display of the p... |
Speech Assessment and Interactive Learning System (SAILS)A computer program to permit advanced assessment and treatment of articulation and phonological diso... |
Speech Intelligibility of Young School-Aged Children in the Presence of Real-Life Classroom NoiseWe examined the ability of 40 young children (aged five to eight) to understand speech (monosyllable... |
Speech Intelligibility Probe for Children with Cleft Palate (SIP-CCLP): Proposal to ProductPoster Presentation from the 2005 Annual Network Conference, Toronto, ON - Research on the developme... |
Speech Perception Revisited: The Influence of Lexical Status on Categorical Perception in PreschoolersPoster Presentation from the 2006 Annual Network Conference, Charlottetown, PEI - A pilot study comp... |
Speech, Language and Hearing Milestones Growth Chart and BrochureColourful and fun themed materials, available in english and french, identifying speech, language an... |
Student Symposium - SaturdayAudio Files from 2006 Annual Network Conference - Introductions and Student Presentations ... |
Student Symposium - SundayAudio Files from 2006 Annual Network Conference - Introductions and Student Presentations ... |
Student Symposium:Family literacy program for Mi’kmaq communities - Sunday (cont)Audio Files from 2006 Annual Network Conference - Discusses family literacy issues in Mi'kmaq commun... |
The Academic Mobility of ESL Students: The Roles of Ethnicity, Language and Class"Poster Presentation from the 2006 Annual Network Conference, Charlottetown, PEI - How do different ... |
The Activation of Phonological Representations by Bilinguals: Evidence from Interlingual HomophonesPoster Presentation from the 2005 Annual Network Conference, Toronto, ON - An important issue in bil... |
The Canadian Challenge: How do biliterate children master two orthographies?Workshop from the 2006 Annual Network Conference, Charlottetown, PEI - Discussed the components invo... |
The Canadian Challenge: How do biliterate children master two orthographies?Poster Presentation from the 2006 Annual Network Conference, Charlottetown, PEI - The present study ... |
The Canadian Language and Literacy Calendar 2004-2005: Results of the February 2005 National Survey about its UseOn April 30, 2004, the Canadian Language and Literacy Research Network and its partners, The Hanen C... |
The challenge of creating an optimal learning environment in child care: Cross-cultural perspectivesQuality child care programs have been shown to contribute positively to children’s development in ma... |
The Economic Returns to a Second Official Language: English in Quebec and French in the rest of CanadaPaper from the 2006 Annual Network Conference, Charlottetown, PEI - Focus on economic incentive for ... |
The Effect of a Literacy Intervention Program for Primary-grade Children in Schools in Low-Income NeighbourhoodsWorkshop from the 2006 Annual Network Conference, Charlottetown, PEI - Introduced a program aimed to... |
The effects of ECE-mediated facilitation linguistic and social communication in children at risk for social failureThe results of two studies will be described. Early childhood educators (ECEs) engaged in a training... |
The Effects of Wordlikeness of Literacy and Memory in 10 year-old Readers"Workshop from the 2006 Annual Network Conference, Charlottetown, PEI - ‘Wordlikeness’ or neighbourh... |
The Effects of Wordlikeness on Literacy and Memory in 10 year old Readers"Student Poster Presentation from the 2006 Annual Network Conference, Charlottetown, PEI - ‘Wordlike... |
The Influence of Reading Skills on the Missing-Letter Effect from Grade 1 to Grade 5Poster Presentation from the 2006 Annual Network Conference, Charlottetown, PEI - Examined how the M... |
The Interaction Between Word Frequency and Grapheme-to-Phoneme Consistency in Oral ReadingPoster Presentation from the 2005 Annual Network Conference, Toronto, ON - This study investigated t... |
The Story Before Intervention: The Factors Related to Pre-Literacy Skills among Economically Disadvantaged PreschoolersPoster Presentation from the 2006 Annual Network Conference, Charlottetown, PEI - Discussion of an o... |
Using a genetically informative longitudinal design to identify homogeneous subtypes of language and reading impairment and mechanisms linking them to social maladjustmentPoster Presentation from the 2006 Annual Network Conference, Charlottetown, PEI ... |
Using the Glass Analysis to Improve Decoding, Spelling, and Reading ComprehensionWorkshop from the 2006 Annual Network Conference, Charlottetown, PEI -Glass Analysis is used to teac... |
Victorian Sensibilities in the New Wild WestWorkshop from the 2006 Annual Network Conference, Charolottetown, PEI - This study consisted of a qu... |
Video File - Challenges in Conducting Research on French Literacy: French ImmersionVideo file of the Panel Discussion from the 2004 Annual Network Conference Montreal QC - Describes t... |
Video File - Doing Research on French Language and Literacy: Issues and ChallengesVideo file of the Panel Discussion from the 2004 Annual Network Conference Montreal QC - Describes t... |
Video File - Don't Wait to Fail! Assessment and Intervention Strategies for Improving Early Literacy -part 1Video Files from 2006 Annual Network Conference ... |
Video File - Don't Wait to Fail! Assessment and Intervention Strategies for Improving Early Literacy -part 2Video Files from 2006 Annual Network Conference ... |
Video File - Don't Wait to Fail! Assessment and Intervention Strategies for Improving Early Literacy -part 3Video Files from 2006 Annual Network Conference ... |
Video File - Don't Wait to Fail! Assessment and Intervention Strategies for Improving Early Literacy -part 4Video Files from 2006 Annual Network Conference ... |
Video File - Don't Wait to Fail! Assessment and Intervention Strategies for Improving Early Literacy -part 5Video Files from 2006 Annual Network Conference ... |
Video File - Literacy and Literacy Training of Francophones in CanadaVideo file of the Panel Discussion from the 2004 Annual Network Conference Montreal QC - Literacy an... |
Video File - Literacy and Minority Francophone Schools & CommunitiesVideo file of the Panel Discussion from the 2004 Annual Network Conference Montreal QC - Discusses t... |
Video File - Major Network Initiatives Panel Update -part 1Video Files from 2006 Annual Network Conference -Brief overview of the NCE program and of the Networ... |
Video File - Major Network Initiatives Panel Update -part 2Video Files from 2006 Annual Network Conference - Brief overview of the NCE program and of the Netwo... |
Video File - Major Network Initiatives Panel Update -part 3Video Files from 2006 Annual Network Conference - Knowledge Management Committee: Overview of the kn... |
Video File - Major Network Initiatives Panel Update -part 4Video Files from 2006 Annual Network Conference - Research Management Committee: Overview of researc... |
Video File - Major Network Initiatives Panel Update -part 5Video Files from 2006 Annual Network Conference - High Quality Personnel Committee: issues in traini... |
Video File -Literacy and Public Policy Panel Discussion -part 1Video Files from 2006 Annual Network Conference - The Evidence for Policy and Practice Information a... |
Video File- Literacy and Public Policy Panel Discussion -part 2Video Files from 2006 Annual Network Conference - Canadian Council on Learning / Former Minister of ... |
Video File- Literacy and Public Policy Panel Discussion -part 3Video Files from 2006 Annual Network Conference - Former Minister of Education, Government of Britis... |
Video File- Literacy and Public Policy Panel Discussion -part 4Video Files from 2006 Annual Network Conference ... |
Video File- Literacy and Public Policy Panel Discussion -part 5Video Files from 2006 Annual Network Conference - Question Period ... |
Vision Screening in Preschool ChildrenWorkshop from the 2006 Annual Network Conference, Charolottetown, PEI - This study examined rapid ob... |
Why we must improve teacher-child conversations in preschools and the promise of professional developmentThis paper outlines why children’s early literacy is important, and report data from a series of my ... |
WISE WORDS FROM ROTTERDAM - CEECD/CLLRNet BulletinThe latest on language development in children, including normal development, language impairment, e... |
I was born with a hearing disability that no one has detected. If I don't get help early on, my speech and language development will be severely affected.
Early identification and treatment of biological impairments is critical to my cognitive and social development. My ability to learn speech and language depends on it.