News & Events

Ontario Association on Developmental Disabilities Special Research Day

"Values in Practice... No More Sledgehammers"

Friday, April 4th 2008
Kempenfelt Centre, Barrie

This OADD Research Special Interest Group is part of a three-day conference hosted by the OADD. This year the focus will be identifying individual vision, values, purpose and ways to help make conference participants work and study more meaningful to themselves and those around them.

A call for papers for presentations and posters closes on December 1, 2007. Visit for more information.

To obtain a conference registration form please contact or call 416-567-9763.  

I was born with a hearing disability that no one has detected. If I don't get help early on, my speech and language development will be severely affected.

Early identification and treatment of biological impairments is critical to my cognitive and social development. My ability to learn speech and language depends on it.

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