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Rosemary Tannock

Primary Affiliation:

The Hospital for Sick Children
Brain & Behavior Research (Psychiatry)
555 University Avenue
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
M5G 1X8


Research Interests & Abilities (Keywords)

Major Research Activities

In my clinical research program, we investigate the cognitive mechanisms and treatment of attention?deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and co?occurring disorders. Our methods allow us to determine the independence of the cognitive processes, the specificity of their association with each disorder, and the effects of stimulant medication. Our collaborative initiative with the Toronto District Board of Education investigates the most effective treatment for a difficult?to?treat group of children with combined ADHD and reading disorder. These two disorders are important, not only because of their prevalence and long?term negative outcome, but also because they pose critical questions for child development ? the relations among genetic, biological, and environmental factors.

Network Research Projects

LAST MODIFIED: June 29 2004 15:59:40

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