Martin Walmsley | Chair of the Board, Consultant, Industrial expert and former Director, Ontario Premier's Council Technology Fund, TORONTO, ONTARIO | Lewis Slotin | President. MedTech Partners Inc., MONTRÉAL, QUÉBEC | Joe Wigglesworth | Manager, Centre for Advanced Studies, IBM Canada, TORONTO, ONTARIO | Dianne Buckner | Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, (CBC)TORONTO, ONTARIO | Marie-France Menc | Director of Industry Liaison, St. Francis Xavier University, ANTIGONISH, NOVA SCOTIA | Michael Trudeau | Partner - PriceWaterhouseCoopers LLP, MONTRÉAL, QUÉBEC | Richard Tremblay | Professor, Université de Montréal, and Director, Health Canada Centre of Excellence for Early Child Development, MONTRÉAL, QUÉBEC | Nils Petersen | Vice-President, Research, The University of Western Ontario, LONDON, ONTARIO | Robert Haslam | Department of Child Neurology, Alberta Children's Hospital, CALGARY, ALBERTA | Rod Fraser | President, University of Alberta, EDMONTON, ALBERTA | Joan Mantle | Superintendent of Schools, Rainbow District School Board, SUDBURY, ONTARIO | Donald Jamieson | Scientific Director and CEO, Canadian Language and Literacy Research Network, LONDON, ONTARIO | Allen Zeesman | Director General, Applied Research Branch, Human Resources and Development Canada, OTTAWA, ONTARIO | Betty Ann Levy | Research Representative to the Board, Professor, McMaster University, HAMILTON, ONTARIO | Dan Sinai | Managing Director, Canadian Language and Literacy Research Network, Ex-officio, non-voting, LONDON, ONTARIO | Louise Poulin | NCE Secretariat Observer, NCE Program Administrator, non-voting, OTTAWA, ONTARIO |
Last Modified: January 23 2003 15:25:19.