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3rd Year Summer Research Assistantship Position
Poster: Michelle
Posted on: 2021-03-27 16:31:24

Hello all! I'm a fairly new memember to the CLLRNET student group. I learned about CLLRNET from Dr. Kathleen Bloom at the University of Waterloo. I've also applied for the 3rd year summer scholarship position. I was just curious how many others have applied and what positions you are interested in! Good luck!
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Posted on: 2020-12-22 13:51:00

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Posted on: 2020-10-01 14:31:00

This is a test.
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re: Test
Posted on: 2020-10-02 14:36:39

also testing
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IDA conference
Posted on: 2020-10-07 14:04:05

Hello! Welcome seems like summer has not ended yet and I see by the traffic on the message board that either everybody is still relaxing or they are too busy to check messages. I'm sure it's the latter but I am throwing this out here anyway.
I am attending the International Dyslexia Association conference in Atlanta from November 13 to 16 and was wondering if any other students were attending or know of anyone who is.
If you do and they wouldn't mind me contacting them could you let me know. Thanks, it should be a great literacy conference.
Julie Mueller,
Graduate Student
Social and Developmental Psychology
Wilfrid Laurier University
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(Hopefully) Finding a Ph.D. Supervisor
Posted on: 2021-05-31 20:18:58

Hello everyone,
Just thought I'd give the message board a try & see if I could get some advice from our senior grad students. I'm currently starting my 2nd (and final) year of my Masters and am looking for a supervisor at a different university. I'm not sure if I should just look around on university web-pages and send e-mails to people... I'm not sure exactly what I want to focus on yet so it might be too early... Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
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re: (Hopefully) Finding a Ph.D. Supervisor
Posted on: 2021-06-20 20:35:33

Hi Jess

Sorry I haven't been checking the board lately. I'm just finishing my PhD this summer, and my advice to you is to definitely look around for an advisor. You can ask your current advisor or other profs/students in your department and see who fits your needs the best, along with looking people up on the university website. Then, definitely contact them. The earlier they hear about you and your interests, the better off you'll be. You will be able to gauge whether they're looking for students, and what kind of research they are currently doing (the webpages aren't always up to date on their latest research interests). Hope this is helpful.
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Posted on: 2021-05-30 10:01:58

Just wanted to say Hi!
I enjoyed the AGM and was glad to meet all of you!
Have a nice day.


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Posted on: 2021-05-27 13:54:19

Just wanted to let everyone who doesn't already know, the photos are up on the main CLLRNet website, and the students are represented very well (although, many of us have a strangely evil look...)! Have a look, they are good fun.
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Poster: Lidia & Amanda
Posted on: 2021-05-27 09:31:58

Hello everyone,

Just checking out the Conference photos and the student message board. The message board is a great communication tool and we hope to see more comments, q & a's soon.

Note to all other summer fellows: hope you're enjoying your placement. Keep in touch!

L & A
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Just looking!
Posted on: 2021-05-22 15:07:48

Hello everyone....hope you don't mind if I lurk around the site...nice to see people participating in the online forum...we have big plans to launch the next phase of the web site this fall...much of the work will go into developing online collaborative tools.

My door/email is always open...please feel free to call me, email me or talk about any subject related to the network, your research or your career (not necessarily in that order).

Have a great summer!

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re: Just looking!
Posted on: 2021-05-24 18:16:06

Me too! I just found the site! thanks to Dan and Christine. I'll be back in touch soon. In the meantime, it was a pleasure to see you all in Ottawa, and thanks so much for inviting us to your meeting and for making the undergraduates feel welcome. That meant a lot to us at HQPC.
Best regards,
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student presentations
Posted on: 2021-05-08 12:43:34

Hello all. I just wanted to add to the praise for the conference this past weekend. It was an excellent opportunity. I was thinking that there might be an excellent opportunity for grad students to present their work (finished or ongoing) to undergrad classrooms as representatives of CLLRNet. I'm sure it happens already but it could be added to the list of accomplishments if it was advertised formally. Perhaps we could even visit other universities within our regions? What do you think? julie
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re: student presentations
Posted on: 2021-05-08 12:50:21

I think this is a great idea-- there have already (thanks to kathleen Bloom) been a few visits from Network researchers to her lab and her undergraduate class at the University of Waterloo, as well as visits by students to the National Audiology Centre at Western. We'll bring this idea up with Dan and if anyone else has any suggestions about how we could advertise or recruit participants, please let us know!!
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a question
Poster: Help!
Posted on: 2021-05-07 23:07:05

Just a question...Is there a direct link from the main page to the student page? I had a hard time finding the student message board.
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re: a question
Poster: julie mueller
Posted on: 2021-05-08 12:39:16

I also had a hard time finding the bulletin board. I eventually went into the One on One with Christine Tsang and clicked on the link. I now just add /en/student to to get in but I'm sure there should be a direct link! Let us know if you find it.
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re: a question
Posted on: 2021-05-08 12:47:21

There will soon be a direct link to this discussion page-- we are in the process of working out the student webpage details with the admin centre! Thanks for trying so hard to find us though!
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Touch base
Posted on: 2021-05-07 22:35:48

Hey everyone! Just a quick message to let you know that I thought the conference was a huge success. It was nice to meet researchers who have the same interests and I am very excited about the possibility of collaborating with other students. Keep in touch!

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Successful Meeting
Posted on: 2021-05-07 17:14:43

I just wanted to write and thank everyone who attended the first student network meeting in Ottawa this past weekend. I hope everyone enjoyed their visit.

I would also like to encourage any comments, suggestions, or thoughts that may have been gerenerated as a result of the conference and/or the student meeting.
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re: Successful Meeting
Posted on: 2021-05-08 12:53:52

I think the AGM was very successful, and I heard from more than one Network researcher that the Student Network emerged as the earliest "success story" of them all.

Thanks to all the students who came to the meeting with so many ideas and suggestions after such a long day on Friday, and I look forward to a busy, but exciting year in the Student Network.
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1st Annual CLLRNet Student Meeting
Posted on: 2021-04-29 09:10:59

I would like to extend an invitation to anyone and everyone to join the student network at the AGM in Ottawa, at our own meeting, Friday night @ 8:30pm in Dalhousie Room. We have 3 guest speakers, Dr. Don Jamieson (scientific director for CLLRNet), Dr. Kathleen Bloom (chair, HQP), and Dan Sinai (administrative director). They will talk to us about their visions for the network, and how students can play a major role in it. Come out and meet us!

Snacks and refreshments will also be available.
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welcome to the student network
Posted on: 2021-04-17 16:15:30

Welcome everyone to the CLLRNet student network!

Any suggestions about what you want the network to be about, and what you want from the student network would be appreciated!

Hope to see you all at the AGM student meeting in Ottawa!
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re: welcome to the student network
Posted on: 2021-04-28 20:46:43

I have just taken the opportunity to read over Dialogue and Christine's one-on-one interview. I applaud your efforts for students at a time when you will soon be leaving our ranks! I think this network is an excellent opportunity to receive answers for questions that may not be readily available anywhere else or you aren't sure who to ask. I am an elementary teacher on leave and have been suprised by the lack of communication between schools, faculties of education and researchers. I look forward to being part of a network that is so focused on applying it's knowledge and "networking" to "share the news!" It will be a good start to meet students face to face at the conference. Looking forward to Ottawa. julie mueller, WLU
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re: welcome to the student network
Posted on: 2021-04-29 09:06:32

Thanks for your interest, Julie! All of us in the student network look forward to meeting new people and sharing ideas and research! See you in Ottawa!
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LAST MODIFIED: February 11 2004 09:38:18

Sharing the science, opening minds.