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Student Network Discussion Area

Please note the Student Network Discussion Area is UNMODERATED, and as such we The Canadian Language and Literacy Research Network are not responsible for the contents contained within.

Title: 1st Annual CLLRNet Student Meeting
Posted on: 2021-04-29 09:10:59

I would like to extend an invitation to anyone and everyone to join the student network at the AGM in Ottawa, at our own meeting, Friday night @ 8:30pm in Dalhousie Room. We have 3 guest speakers, Dr. Don Jamieson (scientific director for CLLRNet), Dr. Kathleen Bloom (chair, HQP), and Dan Sinai (administrative director). They will talk to us about their visions for the network, and how students can play a major role in it. Come out and meet us!

Snacks and refreshments will also be available.

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LAST MODIFIED: February 11 2004 09:38:18

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