Research Interests & Abilities (Keywords) - child language disorders
- childhood hearing impairment
- integration
- cross-cultural assessment
- cross-cultural intervention
- auditory-oral rehabilitation
- instructional discourse
- narrative discourse
- evidence based practice
- qualitative research
Major Research Activities My research interests focus primarily on the contributions
of society, culture and context to descriptions and
perceptions of impairment and the theoretical and
clinical impact of these variables on language assessment
and intervention. These research interests can be described
with respect to four principal directions: (1) the development
of language and literacy in children with
communication disorders, particularly children with
hearing loss, (2) issues related to the integration of
these children into regular classroom settings,
(3) the impact of instructional and narrative discourse
structures on the classroom performance of these children,
and (4) the development of culturally appropriate assessment,
intervention, and service delivery models for minority children.
Network Research Projects - Speech Recognition in Classrooms
- Impact of noise on academic skills and learning
- The impact of screening and case finding on the functional status of children with a hearing impairment