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Raymond Klein

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Broadly speaking I am interested in how the mind works and how the brain does it. Because, reading is a complex cognitive skill the understanding of which, as Huey (1904) noted, would constitute that "acme" of a psychologist's accomplishments, some of my research is aimed at discovering: How do we read and how does the brain do it? Answers to such questions are at the foundation of CLLRnet's mission – for if we could answer them we would be in an excellent position to understand why so many children have trouble learning to read and this understanding would lay the groundwork for overcoming their difficulties. Because of my interest in these questions and our goal to generate materials suitable for educating honours and graduate students about how the brain reads, I edited (with Dr. McMullen) a book on this topic: Converging methods for understanding reading & dyslexia (1999, Cambridge: MIT Press). I am excited and proud to be involved in several CLLRnet projects some of which are aimed at providing basic knowledge about how reading skill by the mind and brain develops, how it is related to our temporal processing and rapid naming abilities and how it is affected by acquisition of a second language using longitudinal studies of human perception and performance, eye movement monitoring, genetic analyses, neuroimaging techniques and specially designed tasks.

LAST MODIFIED: February 06 2004 13:25:35

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