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Network Graphics Guide

The Graphic Standards Guide offers guidelines and easy-to-use standards. Sections include logo use and colours, typography, graphic elements, applications, themes and downloads.

We believe standardizing logo and graphic use is of primary importance to The Canadian Language and Literacy Research Network. It improves retention and recognition while reducing the cost of communication through consistency. As we all work to open minds by sharing the science, your attention to our graphic identity is appreciated.

It is also important to note that all written, typed and printed references to the Network should use the full and proper name (The Canadian Language and Literacy Research Network) for the first two mentions. After two mentions, 'The Network' will suffice as the identity. Acronyms (i.e. CLLRNet) should be avoided in all communications other than spoken (i.e. during presentations) where brevity and verbal pacing is required.

As for our five key themes you will find that each theme is represented graphically in networking hexagons with consistent colour usage for each. The hexagon was selected to portray ease of connection or sharing of independent study and research. We prefer all downloadable images and configurations be used without alteration of any kind.

Each download includes an eps, a tiff and a gif version of the selected logo. The three files are compressed into a zip for Windows and a hqx for Mac.

LAST MODIFIED: November 06 2003 10:09:15

Sharing the science, opening minds.