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Researchers Asked to Provide Input on Research Ethics Position Paper

The Interagency Advisory Panel on Research Ethics (PRE) has released its
position paper on the Process and Principles for Developing a Canadian
Governance System for the Ethical Conduct of Research Involving Humans.

Canadian Language and Literacy Research Network researchers have been
invited to review PRE's position paper at

One of the mandates of the Interagency Advisory Panel on Research Ethics
(PRE) is to engage, on behalf of the three federal granting agencies (CIHR,
NSERC, SSHRC), in discussions on the development of a Canadian governance
system for the ethics of research involving humans. Health Canada is
currently coordinating such an initiative and PRE is participating in that
process. PRE has developed a position paper that describes the process and
principles it believes are required for the development of a national
governance system that will meet the needs of institutions, research ethics
boards, researchers, and the public across the broad spectrum of research
conducted in Canada.

PRE would appreciate receiving your comments on its position paper by
sending them to It would also be
helpful if you would send a copy of your comments to the Canadian Language
and Literacy Research Network Administration Office to

LAST MODIFIED: November 06 2003 10:09:15

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