Vision and Goals
The Canadian Language and Literacy Research Network will improve language and literacy skills in Canadian children, enabling them to contribute more effectively to the social and economic life of their communities
The Canadian Language and Literacy Research Network will create an integrated network of researchers, practitioners and government policy makers in early childhood literacy and learning in Canada. This Network will continue its work after our Networks of Centres of Excellence support ends.
- Create knowledge and combine this with existing knowledge to improve the language and literacy skills of Canadian children.
- Establish networks of selected groups of practitioners to facilitate the application of research to practice.
- Measure the efficacy of conventional practices in the field and apply available knowledge to create improved educational and treatment plans and protocols.
- Establish permanent networks with federal and provincial governments. These networks would work to ensure that relevant policies reflect the best knowledge concerning ways to improve language and literacy skills in early childhood. The networks would also work to ensure that programs are systematically evaluated and refined within a new culture of commitment to accountability, rooted in the principles of evidence-based practice.
How Are We Achieving The Goals?
The Canadian Language and Literacy Research Network will apply its resources to:
Invest in multidisciplinary projects and leverage the knowledge
available across The Network;
Invest in Core Facilities, and develop and make available complex
technologies that would not be cost-effective for individual investigators;
Provide funds to train students in the language and literacy field and
create the next generation of child language and literacy experts;
Create linkages between the research, education, clinical and partner
communities that will quickly translate findings into action;
Promote partnerships with industry, education and health advocacy
groups, service delivery agencies, not-for-profit organizations and
About Us | Network Goals | How
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