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Grant Title Sponsor Deadline Overview
3M Health Care Quality Team AwardsThe submission deadline is March 1 of any given year.One award may be given in each category each year. The winning team in each category will receive a certificate of recognition, a cash prize of $7,500, a travel subsidy of up to $5,000 to attend the awards presentation, and the availability of a $1,000 allowance for local celebrations.
AHFMR Clinical FellowshipsAlberta Heritage Foundation for Medical ResearchTwo deadlines per year: (1) March 1; (2) October 1Fellowship awards will consist of a stipend and a research allowance. The research allowance may be used for the following purposes: * the purchase of scientific materials, supplies and expendables * the purchase of minor equipment (note: the policies of the host institution with respect to ownership of equipment will apply to equipment bought with these funds) * computer software programs * costs for the use of libraries, or computers * costs associated with the publication of research results * travel expenses to attend scientific meetings * purchase of books, periodicals and journals If the award is terminated prematurely, unused funds must be returned to AHFMR.
AHFMR Establishment GrantsAlberta Heritage Foundation for Medical ResearchSeptember 15Establishment grants are linked to AHFMR personnel awards such as: * Heritage Clinical Investigators * Population Health Investigators * Scholars * Senior Scholars * Scientists
AHFMR Fast-Track Studentships and FellowshipsAlberta Heritage Foundation for Medical ResearchTwo deadlines per year: (1) March 1; (2) October 1Please refer to the sections on Full-Time Fellowships or Full-Time Studentships for details regarding stipends.
AHFMR Full-Time FellowshipsAlberta Heritage Foundation for Medical ResearchTwo deadlines per year: (1) March 1; (2) October 1Fellowship awards will consist of a stipend and a research allowance. The research allowance may be used for the following purposes: * the purchase of scientific materials, supplies and expendables * the purchase of minor equipment (note: the policies of the host institution with respect to ownership of equipment will apply to equipment bought with these funds) * computer software programs * costs for the use of libraries, or computers * costs associated with the publication of research results * travel expenses to attend scientific meetings * purchase of books, periodicals and journals If the award is terminated prematurely, unused funds must be returned to AHFMR.
AHFMR Heritage Clinical Investigator AwardAlberta Heritage Foundation for Medical ResearchSeptember 15This award includes a contribution toward salary and benefits, and may also include a research allowance and funds for renovations, and relocation.
AHFMR Heritage Health Research Career Renewal AwardsAlberta Heritage Foundation for Medical ResearchTwo deadlines per year: (1) March 1; (2) October 1The stipend portion of the award is normally paid in quarterly installments, and is subject to the Income Tax Act and Regulations of the Government of Canada. The research allowance may be used for the following purposes: * the purchase of scientific materials, supplies and expendables * the purchase of minor equipment (note: the policies of the host institution with respect to ownership of equipment will apply to equipment bought with these funds) * computer software programs * costs for the use of libraries, or computers * costs associated with the publication of research results * travel expenses to attend scientific meetings * purchase of books, periodicals and journals
AHFMR Heritage Medical or Health ScholarsAlberta Heritage Foundation for Medical ResearchSeptember 15Scholarship award includes a contribution toward salary and benefits, and may also include a research allowance and funds for renovations, and relocation.
AHFMR Heritage Medical or Health ScientistAlberta Heritage Foundation for Medical ResearchSeptember 15The Scientist award includes a contribution toward salary and benefits, and may also include a research allowance and funds for renovations, and relocation.
AHFMR Heritage Population Health Investigator (PHI) AwardAlberta Heritage Foundation for Medical ResearchSeptember 15This award includes a contribution toward salary and benefits, and may also include a research allowance and funds for renovations, and relocation.
AHFMR Heritage Senior Medical or Health ScholarsAlberta Heritage Foundation for Medical ResearchSeptember 15The Senior Scholarship award includes a contribution toward salary and benefits, and may also include a research allowance and funds for renovations, and relocation.
AHFMR Independent Establishment GrantsAlberta Heritage Foundation for Medical ResearchSeptember 15Funds approved are specific to each component and are NOT transferable from one component to another without prior approval from AHFMR.
AHFMR Part-Time FellowshipsAlberta Heritage Foundation for Medical ResearchTwo deadlines per year: (1) March 1; (2) October 1Part-time awards will consist of a stipend only and will be pro-rated to the amount of time the candidate is prepared to commit to research. The Full-Time Fellowship rate will be used as the basis for this calculation. Part-time fellows may elect to engage in full-time research during the summer; these fellows should contact AHFMR to request that full-time summer trainee status be implemented. Please note that the faculty supervisor must support such a request. If the award is terminated prematurely, unused funds must be returned to AHFMR.
Aid to Research Conferences in CanadaSocial Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada2021-05-01 00:00:00Up to $50,000
Aid to Research Conferences in CanadaSocial Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada2020-11-01 00:00:00Up to $50,000
Aid to Research Workshops in CanadaSocial Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada2021-05-01 00:00:00Up to $25,000
Aid to Research Workshops in CanadaSocial Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada2020-11-01 00:00:00Up to $25,000
Alberta Lottery Fund Community Initiatives ProgramAlberta Lottery FundNo deadlineMaximum grant will be $75,000 per project per year.
Alcan GrantAlcan Inc.No deadlineSee website
Alumni Initiatives AwardFulbright2021-02-15 00:00:00$1,000 - $25,000
AOS Clinical Trial GrantsThe American Otological Society2021-01-31 00:00:00One year of support is available for a maximum of $66,000. No funding is permitted for investigator's salary.
AOS Research GrantsThe American Otological Society2021-01-31 00:00:00The maximum grant request is $55,000 per year. No amount of the award may be used for the investigator's salary.
AOS Research Training FellowshipsThe American Otological Society2021-01-31 00:00:00
Artists in Education - Arts Education Organizations2021-04-01 13:12:14$10,000
ATA Educational Research AwardAlberta Teachers' Association2021-05-13 00:00:00$5,000
Canada Giving Program0000-00-00 00:00:00Although the maximum grant award is $100,000, only one or two maximum-level grants are made each year. Ninety percent of grants awarded are less than $5,000.
Canadian Braille Literacy Foundation Educational Awards to Promote Braille LiteracyThe Canadian National Institute for the Blind2021-06-30 00:00:00$70,000
Career Development AwardThe competition deadlines are April 1 and November 1 each year.$280,000: For early career development support, the maximum period is four years. The annual stipend is $70,000 per annum without benefits. Successful awardees are expected to organize their own benefits with the host institution. It is expected that 50 percent of the award will be contributed by the CCHCSP and 50 percent by the host institution.
CFI New Opportunities FundCanada Foundation for InnovationThree deadlines per year: (1) February 15; (2) June 15; (3) October 15$125,000 - $200,000
CIHR Clinician ScientistsCanadian Institutes of Health ResearchSeptember 15The value of the stipend for Phase 1 is $50,000 per annum. A yearly research allowance of $3500 is provided. During Phase 2, CIHR's contribution to the investigator's salary is $50,000 per annum. In addition, CIHR will refund the employer's share of contributions to employee benefit plans in which the institution staff members participate. For the first three years of Phase 2, CIHR will provide a research allowance of $40,000 per annum.
CIHR FellowshipsCanadian Institutes of Health ResearchTwo deadlines per year: (1) February 1; (2) October 1The stipend for health professionals who do not hold licensure in Canada is $20,000 per annum (i.e., equivalent to a Doctoral Research Award). Upon completion of two years of postgraduate research training the stipend increases to $38,000 per annum. The value of each fellowship is related to the major degree held, licensure (where applicable) and experience of the applicant. Stipends are valued in Canadian dollars and are taxable. For awardees holding a Fellowship outside of Canada, the stipends below are supplemented by $5,000 per annum. 1. The annual stipend level for those with a PhD degree (or equivalent) is $40,000 per annum. 2. The following stipend levels apply to health professionals who hold licensure in Canada or hold an educational license at the time of taking up the award. The stipend level is dependent upon the number of years of research or clinical training completed since obtaining the health professional degree. Upon completion of two years of postgraduate research training during the tenure of the award, the awardee may be eligible to receive a stipend increase to the higher level. Years of research or clinical training experience Stipend Less than two $40,000 Two or more $50,000 3. The stipend for health professionals who do not hold licensure in Canada is $21,000 per annum (i.e., equivalent to a Doctoral Research Award). Upon completion of two years of postgraduate research training the stipend increases to $40,000 per annum. A yearly research allowance of $5,000 is provided.
CIHR Health GrantsCanadian Institutes of Health ResearchFebruary 1 (registration); March 1 (full application)
CIHR Industry-partnered Program : (Small and Medium Enterprise) Research ProgramCanadian Institutes of Health ResearchFive deadlines per year: (1) December 15; (2) February 15; (3) May 15 ; (4) July 1; (5) September 1CIHR Contribution: $22,250 to 25,000, $10,000; Company Contribution: $22,250 to 25,000, $10,000
CIHR Industry-partnered Program : (Small and Medium Enterprise) Research ProgramCanadian Institutes of Health ResearchFive deadlines per year: (1) December 15; (2) February 15; (3) May 15 ; (4) July 1; (5) September 1CIHR Contribution: $20,000 to $25,000, $2,500; Company Contribution: $20,000 to $25,000, $2,500
CIHR Industry-partnered Program : (Small and Medium Enterprise) Research ProgramCanadian Institutes of Health ResearchFive deadlines per year: (1) December 15; (2) February 15; (3) May 15 ; (4) July 1; (5) September 1CIHR Contribution: $10,500, $500; Company Contribution: $10,500, $500
CIHR Industry-partnered Program : Rx&D; Research ProgramCanadian Institutes of Health ResearchFive deadlines per year: (1) December 15; (2) February 15; (3) May 15 ; (4) July 1; (5) September 1CIHR Contribution: $22,250 to 25,000, $10,000; Company Contribution: $22,250 to 25,000, $10,000
CIHR Industry-partnered Program : Rx&D; Research ProgramCanadian Institutes of Health ResearchFive deadlines per year: (1) December 15; (2) February 15; (3) May 15 ; (4) July 1; (5) September 1CIHR Contribution: $20,000 to $25,000, $2,500; Company Contribution: $20,000 to $25,000, $2,500
CIHR Industry-partnered Program : Rx&D; Research ProgramCanadian Institutes of Health ResearchFive deadlines per year: (1) December 15; (2) February 15; (3) May 15 ; (4) July 1; (5) September 1CIHR Contribution: $10,500, $500; Company Contribution: $10,500, $500
CIHR New InvestigatorsCanadian Institutes of Health ResearchSeptember 15CIHR's contribution to the investigator's salary is $50,000 per annum for five years. In addition, CIHR will refund the employer's share of contributions to employee benefit plans in which the institution staff members participate. This refund will be in the same proportion as CIHR's share of the salary support. Research Allowance New awardees, who are not successful in obtaining peer-reviewed operating funds, may receive top-up funding to bring their total level of operating support, from all sources, to $50,000 per annum for up to five years, subject to annual review. Candidates must apply to CIHR to be considered for this research allowance/top-up funding. If you think you may qualify, please submit to CIHR no later than July 1, the following information:
CIHR Operating GrantsCanadian Institutes of Health ResearchTwo deadlines per year: (1) February 1 (registration) and March 1 (full application); (2) August 15 (registration) and September 15 (full application)
CIHR Randomized Controlled TrialsCanadian Institutes of Health ResearchFour deadlines per year: (1) January 15 (registration) and February 15 (full application); (2) March 1 (registration) and April 1 (full application), (3) August 1 (registration) and September 1 (full application); (4) October 1 (registration) and November
CIHR Team Grant ProgramCanadian Institutes of Health Research2021-01-07 00:00:00$12 million, at a minimum, per annum for 5 years of CIHR funding will be available for this competition, beginning in fiscal year 2006-2007. CIHR anticipates that between 6 and 16 Teams will be funded through this competition. There is no upper limit on the amount requested, but only applications of exceptional merit and scope will receive over $2 million per year. CIHR Team Grants will be funded for a maximum of five years, subject to a satisfactory progress review in year three. The CIHR Team Grant is renewable though regular competitions.
CLLRNet Postgraduate Scholarship SupplementCanadian Language and Literacy Research NetworkNo deadline$5,000
Community Health, Education and Research Fund ("CHER")Hamilton Community Foundation2021-01-07 00:00:00$50,000
Davies Charitable Foundation Research FellowshipApril 15$10,000
Donner Canadian FoundationDonner Canadian FoundationNo deadline$5,000 - $300,000
Elva Knight Research GrantJanuary 15$10,000
Establishment Grants2021-03-01 12:27:44These awards will provide up to $100,000 to be used within a three-year period for a variety of purposes such as the purchase of equipment and supplies, buy-out of teaching time, salaries of research personnel (other than the applicant's salary), etc.
Graduate Student Research AwardsApril 30$10,000
Graduate StudentshipsThe deadline for applications is March 1. Supporting letters must be received by March 15.Studentships will carry the same monetary value as the minimum recommended by the CIHR for graduate students paid from CIHR operating grants. Studentships are awarded for one year initially, and may be renewed for an additional year. After the first renewal, subsequent renewals require re-application and review in competition with all other applicants. The maximum period of support by the MHRC is two years for individuals enrolled in a master's program, and three years for individuals enrolled in a Ph.D. program who hold a master's degree.
GrantsBamford-Lahey Children's Foundation2020-10-15 00:00:00$20,000
GrantsSenator Norman M. Paterson FoundationNo deadlinePast grants have ranged from $200 to $75,000.
INE Public Outreach GrantsSocial Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada2020-11-01 00:00:00Up to $50,000
International Canadian Studies SeriesInternational Council for Canadian StudiesNo deadlineThe University of Ottawa Press (OUP) and the participating Canadian studies associations will each contribute funds, proportionate to the agreed number of copies of the publication received by each for sale and distribution.
John Charles Polanyi PrizesOntario Council on Graduate Studies2021-01-15 00:00:00$15,000
Language Acquisition Development Program (LADP)Canadian Heritage2021-03-31 00:00:00Maximum amount of $250,000 per project per year.
Long Term FellowshipsSeptember (check website for exact deadline)$45,000 US
Major Thematic GrantOctober 1$500,000
Manulife Financial Corporate GivingManulife FinancialNo deadlineSee website
National Literacy Program - AlbertaHuman Resources and Skills Development CanadaAprilThe amount is unspecified. Please see the website for more details.
National Literacy Program - British ColumbiaHuman Resources and Skills Development CanadaMarch 24The amount is unspecified. Please see the website for more details.
National Literacy Program - Literacy Integration ProjectsHuman Resources and Skills Development CanadaMay 15The amount is unspecified. Please see the website for more details.
National Literacy Program - ManitobaHuman Resources and Skills Development CanadaMarch 7The amount is unspecified. Please see the website for more details.
National Literacy Program - Nova ScotiaHuman Resources and Skills Development CanadaMarch 11The amount is unspecified. Please see the website for more details.
National Literacy Program - Research Partners ProjectsHuman Resources and Skills Development CanadaApril 8The amount is unspecified. Please see the website for more details.
National Literacy Program - SaskatechewanHuman Resources and Skills Development CanadaMarch 14The amount is unspecified. Please see the website for more details.
New Investigators Grants CompetitionThe Hospital for Sick ChildrenTwo deadlines per year: (1) May 2, 2005; (2) October 31, 2020 There are two competitions annually: spring and fall. In the spring, the deadline is on or around April 30; in the fal$150,000: Normally, research grant awards are limited to a maximum of $65,000 a year for each of two years. Salaries for principal and co-investigators are not normally covered by the grants. However, in cases where clinicians (nurses, occupational therapists, physiotherapists, etc. as well as physicians) need protected research time, the foundation is willing to provide salary support for up to 25 percent (to a maximum of $20,000, in addition to the research grant maximum of $65,000 per year) of the individual's salary, on the condition that there be a clear commitment on the part of the applicant's institution that it will provide the other 25 percent of the clinician's salary. This will ensure that 50 percent of the applicants' time will be protected for research.
Nila Banton Smith Research Dissemination Support GrantJanuary 15$5,000
NLS Grants and Funding ProgramNational Literacy SecretariatNo deadlineSee website
Ontario Research and Development Challenge FundOntario Ministry of Economic Development and Trade2021-01-31 00:00:00Funding is open to research institutions—including hospitals, universities and colleges—on a competitive basis.
Ontario Trillium Foundation GrantThe Ontario Trillium FoundationNo deadlineOne-year or multi-year grants of up to $75,000 per year for up to five years; One-time grants of up to $75,000 in most catchment areas and $100,000 in larger catchment areas for renovations/repairs, improvements to land or buildings, and equipment purchases that will take place during one year
Operating Grants2021-03-01 12:25:35The award amount is unspecified. Eligible costs include, among others, personnel costs, supplies and expendable materials, experimental animals, equipment, computer costs, publication costs, and travel. Grants will be awarded for either one or two years.
Postdoctoral AwardThe competition deadlines are April 1 and November 1 each year.$210,000: The maximum period of support is three years for postdoctoral training. The annual stipend is $70,000 per annum without benefits. Successful awardees are expected to organize their own benefits with the host institution. It is expected that 50 percent of the award will be contributed by the CCHCSP and 50 percent by the host institution.
Postdoctoral FellowshipsThe deadline for applications is March 1. Supporting letters must be received by March 15.Fellowships will carry the same monetary value as the minimum recommended by the CIHR for postdoctoral fellows paid from operating grants. Fellowships are awarded for one year inititally, and may be renewed for a second year. Successful candidates will be eligible to request up to $1,000 per annum for travel expenses for presentation of research results at national or international meetings.
Postdoctoral Research Fellowship Program2021-03-15 14:28:43$40,000 as salary, $5,000 for research expenses
Program GrantsMarch 21$250,000 for a team of 2; $350,000 for a team of 3; $450,000 for a team of 4 or more.
Proposals for New Research ProjectsCanadian Language and Literacy Research Network2021-01-20 00:00:00
Research Development InitiativesSocial Science and Humanities Research Council of CanadaTwo deadlines per year: (1) April 7, 2005; (2) October 7, 2020Up to $40,000
Research GrantsAugust 1$15,000 to $30,000
Research GrantsThe International Dyslexia Association2021-04-01 13:18:06$20,000
Rising Researcher Support Program (RRSP)The competition deadlines are April 1 and November 1 each year.$20,000: The yearly stipend for a maximum period of two years of support is $10,000 per annum.
Royal Bank of Canada DonationsRoyal Bank of CanadaNo deadlineSee website
Scottish Rite Grants and Bursaries ProgramApril 30$35,000
Standard Research GrantsSocial Science and Humanities Research Council of CanadaOctober 15up to a maximum of $100,000 per year, but not totalling more than $250,000 in a three-year period
Strategic Priorities Grant ProgramMay 2, November 1$50,000
Strategic Project Grants (SPG)Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of CanadaApril 15See website
Vancouver Foundation Fund: Children Youth and FamiliesVancouver FoundationNo deadlineWide range from $1,000s to $100,000s.
Vancouver Foundation Fund: EducationVancouver FoundationNo deadlineWide range from $1,000s to $100,000s.
Women's Health Scholars AwardsOntario Council on Graduate Studies2021-01-31 00:00:00Up to two awards will be awarded in each of the three award levels: * Master's Awards, $17,100 plus $1,000 research allowance * Doctoral Awards, $19,500 plus $2,000 research allowance * Postdoctoral Awards, $39,000 plus $5,000 research allowance Holders of Women's Health Scholars Awards are precluded from holding any other major award during the term of this award.
Young Investigators GrantsMarch 21$250,000 for a team of 2; $350,000 for a team of 3; $450,000 for a team of 4 or more.

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LAST MODIFIED: March 10 2005 18:36:52

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