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Board of Directors


The Board of Directors shall be responsible for the governance and management of the Network and shall act in accordance with the NCE Program Guidelines and Funding Agreement. Without limiting the generality of the forgoing, the Board of Directors shall:

Member Association
Martin Walmsley Chair of the Board, Consultant, Industrial expert and former Director, Ontario Premier's Council Technology Fund, TORONTO, ONTARIO
Dianne Buckner Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, (CBC) TORONTO, ONTARIO
Peter Calamai National Science Reporter, The Toronto Star, TORONTO, ONTARIO
Rod Fraser President, University of Alberta, EDMONTON, ALBERTA
Robert Haslam Department of Child Neurology, Alberta Children's Hospital, CALGARY, ALBERTA
Donald G. Jamieson PhD CEO and Scientific Director, Canadian Language and Literacy Research Network, LONDON, ONTARIO
Betty Ann Levy Research Representative to the Board, Professor, McMaster University, HAMILTON, ONTARIO
Joan Mantle Superintendent of Schools, Rainbow District School Board, SUDBURY, ONTARIO
Marie-France Menc Business Lawyer; Consultant, NORTH BAY, ONTARIO
Nils Petersen Vice-President, Research, The University of Western Ontario, LONDON, ONTARIO
Louise Poulin NCE Secretariat Observer, NCE Program Officer, non-voting, OTTAWA, ONTARIO
Dan Sinai Managing Director, Canadian Language and Literacy Research Network, Ex-officio, non-voting, LONDON, ONTARIO
Lewis Slotin President & COO, MedTech Partners Inc., NEPEAN, ONTARIO
Michael Trudeau Partner, PriceWaterhouseCoopers LLP, MONTRÉAL, QUÉBEC
Joe Wigglesworth Senior Manager - Software Developer, Centre for Advanced Studies, IBM Canada, TORONTO, ONTARIO
Allen Zeesman Director General, Applied Research Branch, Human Resources and Development Canada, OTTAWA, ONTARIO

LAST MODIFIED: February 16 2004 14:33:48

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