The Network's Computational Modeling Core Facility is organizing a Summer Workshop on connectionist modeling of cognitive processes. The workshop is planned for June 15-16, immediately preceding the Annual Network Conference in Montreal, which we hope will make it as convenient as possible for interested researchers to attend. The purpose of this workshop is to provide Network researchers with some of the training needed to incorporate connectionist modeling techniques into their research projects.
This is a hands-on workshop in which participants will learn some of the basics of connectionist modeling of language and literacy processes. Using established models as a starting point, we will cover the following topics: phoneme perception and categorization; morphology development; and reading acquisition. Additional topics can be added depending on the interests of participants. Extensive programming knowledge is not necessary to participate. However, participants should be familiar with UNIX/Linux-type operating systems. We will provide some advance materials so participants can acquire the necessary knowledge and skills.
In order to tailor the course to the needs of individual projects, we would like to hear from interested researchers as much in advance as possible. We expect to have space for two or three participants from four or five network projects, and we might not be able to accommodate all interested researchers this year. We also hope to attract both trainees (students, postdocs) as well as PIs from interested projects. To minimize costs of participating in this workshop, we have secured additional rooms at the Delta hotel for participants. We will also make available small bursaries to cover the costs for students to attend, if Network funds are not available for this purpose.
If you are interested in participating in this workshop, or would like additional details, please contact Marc Joanisse at the University of Western Ontario.
LAST MODIFIED: July 06 2004 15:42:39