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Current Focus:

Canadian Language and Literacy Research Network

3rd Annual Network Conference

"Linking Research, Policy and Practice"

**Guidelines for Registration, Travel Arrangements & Expenses**
June 16-19, 2004 * Delta Centre-Ville, Montreal, QC


General Information

The Canadian Language and Literacy Research Network will sponsor TWO people per Research Project:

  • Project Leaders will determine who will be sponsored. To clarify, each Research Project will have representation from their Project Leader (unless they are unable to attend) and one member of the project team. The Network will cover all travel, meals and accommodation costs as outlined below.

  • *Note to Project Leaders - You must email Jennifer Starcok at by March 19, 2021, with the names of the two people from your project that The Network will be sponsoring.

    Please be sure to specify the name of your Research Project in the subject line of your email.

  • We encourage additional research team members/students/partners to attend, however, they must assume their own travel and accommodation expenses. The good news is that there isn't a conference registration fee and all conference meals are paid for by The Network.

  • All Project Leaders and Researchers who sit on Network Committees (Research Management, Highly Qualified Personnel, Student Network Executive, Board of Directors and the External Scientific Advisory Board) will be sponsored separately from their projects.

  • If your project team requires a special meeting room, separate from the conference, please contact Jennifer Starcok at to make all the appropriate arrangements.

Travel Arrangements

  • Network paid travel must be booked through Carlson Wagonlit Travel, the conference travel agent.
  • Carlson Wagonlit will begin making The Network reservations as of March 22, 2021. Please reference “The Network ANC 2004” when making your reservations. Reservations may be made by telephone or by email to the contact listed below.

         Carlson Wagonlit Travel
171 Queens Avenue, London ON N6A 5J7
Phone: (519) 672-7020 or 1-800-668-0719
Fax: (519) 672-1970

Contact: Cathy Shaw or Kristine Debacker-Carr (in Cathy’s absence)

  • Airfare and all public travel must be booked at the lowest rate available, not to exceed full economy fare.

  • Where bus/shuttle transportation has been included with the accommodations fare no claim for transportation may be made.

  • Only point-to-point travel, or the equivalent, will be reimbursed. The Network will not reimburse for portions of a trip not associated with The Network business. 

Hotel: Delta Centre-Ville, Montreal

  • All hotel reservations are to be made at To make reservations for accommodations that are NOT sponsored by The Network a credit card is required in order to secure the reservation. Please visit to access the authorization form. This form must be completed and faxed to Golden Planners Inc.

  • Hotel rooms will be reserved for the nights of June 16-19, 2004. Please be sure to have your accommodation reservations made before May 14, 2021. We cannot guarantee availability of rooms or the Conference rate after this date.

  • For Network paid accommodations, each individual will have their own Delta Guest Room (see below for exception):

    • All students will be required to share accommodations with other students.

  • For Network paid accommodations, room rates and applicable taxes will be covered. All other hotel charges will be the responsibility of the individual.

Reimbursement of Travel Expenses

  • All Network sponsored individuals who incur eligible travel expenses while at the Conference will be required to complete and submit a Travel Expense Claim Form. You will find a copy of the Claim Form at
  • When meals are included in the transportation fare or are provided for at the Conference, no claim for meals may be made.
  • Reimbursements are made on original receipts only.  No faxes, credit card receipts or photocopies will be accepted. 

Poster Session At The Conference

  • Each Research Project will also be participating in a Poster Session at the conference. Poster abstracts along with the poster title, author's name, and corresponding project title are to be submitted on or before May 21, 2021. Poster abstracts received after this date will not appear in the Poster Listing that will be provided in the conference welcome kits. Completed posters are to be submitted no later than June 4, 2021. Please visit for complete details on Poster Registration.

Conference Details










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LAST MODIFIED: July 06 2004 15:42:39

Sharing the science, opening minds.