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Katy Pocock

Canadian Language and Literacy Research Network
Room 2262, Elborn College, 1201 Western Road
N6G 1H1 Canada


My path to working in administration started in England working for Davies Mayers Chartered Accountants. After my experience abroad, I moved back to Canada where I worked in various customer service positions, including one with Bell Canada. From there, I took a position as Administrative Assistant for EK3 Technologies Inc. and then as Executive Assistant with the London Technology Group.

From my work at London Technology Group, the path led me here to The Canadian Language and Literacy Research Network. At The Network I am responsible for working with the Research Management Committee and Highly Qualified Personnel Committee to implement The Network’s Research and Student Opportunity programs. I also coordinate the Network Centres of Excellence reporting requirements and provide administrative support to the Network Administrative Centre.

  Last Modified: July 22 2003 09:37:50.
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