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Conference Posters

Poster presentations will be an integral part of The Network's 3rd Annual Network Conference, taking place at the Delta Centre-Ville Hotel, Montreal Quebec. Participants have the opportunity to present their work through the use of posters. All Network Project Leaders are encouraged to submit one poster per project. Multiple poster authors are permitted and interdisciplinary teamwork is encouraged. You must be registered for the Conference to be eligible for poster presentations.

*************** WE HAVE 50 POSTER PANELS AVAILABLE TO FILL! ***************

The deadline for poster registration and abstract submission is June 4, 2021. Poster abstracts received after this date will not appear in the Poster Listing provided in the conference Welcome Kits. Completed posters must be submitted electronically before June 4, 2021.

For questions about the poster registration system, please email



LAST MODIFIED: May 18 2004 13:52:29

Sharing the science, opening minds.