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Biography: Dr. Nearey is an experimental phonetician with an extensive background of research on speech perception and acoustic phonetics. His principal research efforts are directed at continuing theoretical development and empirical research on the perception of phonological segments. This is a traditional topic of phonetic research and involves the nature of the mapping between manifest physical (acoustic and articulatory) properties and phonological units (syllables, consonants, vowels). Much of this work has been funded by SSHRC; Dr. Nearey has also held grants from NSERC (Strategic Program) and the private sector. |
The language and culture of my heritage is passed on to me orally. it's a different way off learning than how I am taught at school. How do I keep my traditional culture alive while learning to read and being immersed in the majority culture?
Reading is the core of learning and staying in school . improving reading skills with young Aboriginal children can open up the doors to future prospects.