My Profile

Nancy J. Cohen

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Nancy Cohen is a graduate of McGill University and currently holds the position of Director of Research at the Hincks-Dellcrest Centre,Professor of Psychiatry at University of Toronto and Adjunct Professor at both OISE/University of Toronto and York University. My research has gone in a number of directions. Most pertinent to CLLRNet has been my research on early language and cognitive development and evaluation of programs intended to enhance development in these areas within the context of early relationships, particularly in children at risk. Other research interests include infant mental health and post-adoption adjustment. A recently funded study, for instance, is following infants adopted from China from their arrival until they are approximately three years of age. In both of these latter research areas, understanding of language and its interface with social-emotional development are important components.

The language and culture of my heritage is passed on to me orally. it's a different way of learning than how I am taught at school. How do I keep my traditional culture alive while learning to read and being immersed in the majority culture?

Reading is the core of learning and staying in school. Improving my reading skills will open up the doors to future prospects.

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