News & Events Focus


This section organizes all News and Events information from each of the Canadian Language and Literacy Research Network's five Web site focus areas. Additionally, The Network will source and post News and Events from other organizations when it supports the organization's vision.

All related Network media releases, newsletters, annual reports, presentations, media coverage clips, contact information and the Canadian Language and Literacy Research Network graphics guide are organized in this area.

If you would like to submit a news item or event listing, please send the information to -


If you would like further information about The Network's News and Events section, please contact Jill Wright, Communications Officer, or 519.850.2524.

The language and culture of my heritage is passed on to me orally. it's a different way off learning than how I am taught at school. How do I keep my traditional culture alive while learning to read and being immersed in the majority culture?

Reading is the core of learning and staying in school . improving reading skills with young Aboriginal children can open up the doors to future prospects.

We're creating solutions
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