Theme Leader: Andree Durieux-Smith, University of Ottawa and Prudence Allen, University of Western Ontario

The development of language and literacy skills in children depends on adequate sensory input and on the ability to process this input appropriately. Sensory input may be restricted or altered by damage to the auditory and/or visual systems, or by a poor sensory (e.g., acoustic) environment. Auditory or visual system processing limitations may also restrict the learning and comprehension of language.

The goals of Theme II are to address such issues as 1) the early detection of, and improved intervention programs for, children with hearing and vision deficits; 2) the improved understanding of central auditory, visual and cognitive processes which affect the acquisition of language and reading skills; and 3) the contribution of environment factors, such as the acoustical conditions in classrooms, on learning.

I - II - III - IV - V