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Researcher Name: Melanie Campbell

Job Description:You will be part of a team comprised of a University of Alberta speech scientist in the Speech Pathology and Audiology School and a hospital speech-language pathologist (S-LP) who specializes in the treatment of resonance disorders in children. The team will be laying the groundwork this summer for piloting a study of the efficacy of a promising new treatment for resonance disorders. You will be a central member of the team, involved in: conducting literature searches; reading and synthesizing that literature; learning about and operating treatment equipment; and conducting pilot research as to the configuration of the equipment for young children. You will work under the supervision of the hospital S-LP to pilot efficacious: equipment settings; equipment placement; design of stimulus materials for use during treatment; creation of stimulus materials; design of treatment session duration and frequency; and documenting findings from the pilot study.
What you will Learn:You will gain knowledge, in general, about: voice and resonance; voice and resonance disorders; the fields of speech and voice science and speech-language pathology; the settings in which people are trained to become speech-language pathologists; hospital settings for speech-language treatment; and children who experience voice and resonance disorders. You will gain knowledge, in specific, about Edmonton, Alberta; the University of Alberta; resonance disorders; and one specific treatment approach to the remediation of resonance disorders. You will gain direct experience in the creation of a treatment protocol research pilot study. If you are interested in one day exploring a career in speech-language pathology, this experience would be very helpful to place on an application for admission to a school of speech-language pathology.
Profile:Melanie Campbell
Associated Projects:Acoustic properties of children's voices and their impact on communication  

Last Modified: April 02 2002 08:24:08.

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