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Randy Lynn Newman

Graduate Student
Graduate Student,
Class of 1999
Dalhousie University
Psychology Department
1355 Oxford Street Life Sciences Building
Halifax, Nova Scotia B3H 1K6 Canada


Experience & Abilities

Cognitive NeuroscienceReading Disabilities
Event-Related Brain PotentialsHigh Resolution EEG
ERP assessment

Thesis -Defining Phonology's Role in Speech Perception with ERPs

My thesis is focused on delineating neural correlates of reading and speech perception. Currently, my research employs event-related brain potentials to examine the temporal characterisitcs of linguisitc processing in both normal readers and in poor readers, characterisized as having poor phonological processing skills. To date, my results indicate that phonologically impaired readers (both children and adults) show a reduced and/or delayed ERP component (i.e, the Phonological Mismatch Negativity - PMN) that has been linked specifically to phonetic analysis of spoken words/nonwords. Those in the phonologically impaired group are enrolled in a reading intervention program called Spell Read P.A.T; thus we are able to track student's progress by testing them at various points in their training. Subsequent re-testing following 20-60 hours of reading intervention has shown that the amplitude/latency of the PMN normalizes relative to the control group. More strikingly, electrophysiological changes have been seen prior to behavioral changes as measured by neuropsychological testing.

Future Interests

Upon completion of my PhD, I would like to do a post-doc in a lab whose research focus is directed at understanding language and/or memory through the use of fMRI. Ultimately, I would like to obtain a teaching/research position at a Canadian University in Cognitive Neuroscience.

CLLRNet Research Projects

Last Modified: February 04 2002 11:26:34.

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