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Alyssa Ohberg

Honours Undergraduate Student,
Class of 2002
McGill University
176 Woodside Crescent
Beaconsfield, Quebec H9W 2N5 Canada



Experience & Abilities


Thesis -Speech Perception, Articulation Skills and Phonological Awareness in 4yr olds...

The purpose of the study is to describe speech perception, articulation skills and phonological awareness in four year olds with delayed articulation skills and in normally developing children of the same age. Hypothesis:1) Four year olds with articulation disorders and four year olds with normally developing articulation skills will differ with respect to their phonological awareness skills. 2)There will be a relationship between articulation, perception and phonological awareness skills in all participants.

Future Interests

Upon completing my honours undergraduate degree in Psychology, my plan is to continue my studies at the Masters level in the School of Communication Sciences and Disorders. I would like to work with children, or possibly continue working with mentally handicapped children and adults but in the domain of speech pathology.

CLLRNet Research Projects

Last Modified: February 04 2002 11:26:34.

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