Here are some of the most common questions received from Project Leaders and CLLRnet Investigators, together with the best advice we can provide at this early stage of our network.

If you have any questions and/ or concerns, these are likely also of interest to others in the network, so please do not hesitate to pass these along to the most appropriate person - your Theme Leader, Katy, Dan or Don.

Q.        Where can I find the SSHRC Grant Guidelines and NCE Program Guide?



Q.                Can I include other researchers involved in the project who are not co-investigators, i.e. consultants?

A.                 The listed co-investigators on a project should meet NCE eligibility criteria, and should be limited to those who have a significant responsibility on the research project.  Other researchers may of course collaborate on specific aspects of the project.  If payment to consultants is being considered, please be sure to note the SSHRC and NCE policy regarding such payments.

Q.        Do all persons listed as applicants/ co-applicants need to submit a completed Personal Data Form?

A.       Yes, all applicants/ co-applicants need to submit a completed Personal Data Form.  The requested format for Personal Data Forms is very flexible.  Many of you may have submitted an NCE form last year, however it helps the reviewers to have the most up-to-date information.  Please submit the most recent Personal Data Form, whether it is SSHRC, CIHR, NSERC or NCE format.

Q.                Are there guidelines regarding the budget?

A.                 Project budgets should describe the full costs of undertaking the project including contributions from sources other than CLLRNet.  Feedback regarding budgets will be provided after project proposals have been reviewed by the Research Management Committee.  In general, budgets should be realistic, keeping in mind that there is approximately $2 million available to allocate to research projects this year, and that the network anticipates receiving approximately 40 project proposals.  CLLRNet anticipates that some central funds will be used for a range of “networking” activities across projects, for example Annual General Meetings, workshops, travel, etc.  However, the costs of facilitating collaboration and networking within a particular project should be part of the project budget.

Q.                How do the Core Facilities relate to our project applications and how should they be reflected in our budget?

A.                 The Core Facilities are intended to help us use network resources more efficiently (for example by avoiding duplication of effort) and/or to allow network researchers to undertake studies requiring very highly specialized resources, which might otherwise be unavailable.  CLLRNet will contribute to the development and support of these Core Facilities, however they cannot be considered entirely “cost-free” resources and therefore project budgets should include an appropriate budget line to pay for the cost of using these facilities.

            There will be some site-specific differences across the various core facilities so network researchers who wish to use a particular facility should contact the project leader for that facility to discuss the details of such use.

Q.                Will the network be offering post-docs and graduate research assistant support?

A.                 Using central funds levered in partnership with other agencies, CLLRNet plans to establish a training program which will include funding for post docs, graduate students, etc.  This program will be developed during 2001/2002.  Projects provide another important way to support trainees, and appropriate funding for graduate students, PDFs and/or student RAs should be included in Project budgets.

Q.       Are there any salary scales for Doctoral and Postdoctoral Fellowships, research assistants, etc?

A.        The network will follow SSHRC Guidelines -- for Doctoral and Postdoctoral Fellowships see

Q.        Is course release buy-out an eligible expense?

A.        Course buy-outs are acceptable since we have chosen to use SSHRC guidelines.  Please follow SSHRC guidelines when applying this budget item.

Q.        What is the best way to calculate “in-kind” contributions?

A.        Though some institutions have developed policies in this regard, there is no generally-agreed way to calculate such in-kind contributions.  However, if a partner is making a significant contribution through the provision of space, a defensible approach is to value this at the rate that a third party would pay to rent this space.  If equipment is being “donated” outright to the project, the value is typically the estimate of the discounted value of the equipment or manufacturer’s cost (but not retail price).

Q.        Are there any legal issues about our buying software, hardware and supplies for our project from companies in which CLLRNet members are shareholders or are otherwise involved?

A.        Interactions between university researchers and the private sector are an essential feature of the network program.  Such interactions, however, may place individuals participating in the network in a position of potential, apparent or actual conflict of interest.  Guidelines specific to CLLRNet will be among the policy issues addressed by CLLRNet’s Board of Directors at their initial meeting.  These guidelines will rely on the experience of other NCEs and will be consistent with the NCE Conflict of Interest Policy, which can be viewed in the Program Guide at .

Q.       Section 2 of the application package includes detailed project information.  How long should this section should be?

A.        Section 2 should be between 2 – 6 pages in length.

Q.        Who owns the rights to intellectual property from network-funded research?

A.        CLLRNet does not retain or claim any ownership of, or exploitation rights to, intellectual property resulting from CLLRNet funding.  However, a key CLLRNet program objective is to advance Canadian economic and social development.  Accordingly, every effort must be made to have the results of network-funded research exploited in Canada, for the benefit of Canadians.  You will find more information on Intellectual Property in the NCE 2000 Program Guide .