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 ISSUE 9   May 2005  
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Unique partnership with Invest in Kids translates research for parents


The Canadian Language and Literacy Research Network and Invest in Kids have partnered in a unique project to translate the most recent science into user-friendly messages parents can easily understand. The project focuses on developing answers to frequently asked questions (FAQs) about language and literacy development in young children.








The messages appear in the Answers for Parents section of the Invest in Kids Web site, http://www.investinkids.ca. Look for Language Development under Intellectual Development and Learning. The body of messages in this area of the site identifies the milestones of language development and addresses the common concerns parents may have about their children's language or speech development.

Acting as a liaison between Network Researchers and Invest in Kids, Randy Lynn Newman, Network Student Executive Chair, worked with Network members to provide evidence-based answers to the questions related to language and literacy. "The idea is to take questions about language and literacy and get the answers from the people who know - the experts," says Newman.

"This way, we give parents access to credible and up-to-date information on how children acquire language and how parents can make a difference in language and literacy development," adds Liane Comeau, Manager of Research and Programs at Invest in Kids. "And we decode the science so that the information is completely accessible to parents."

Currently, the organizations have developed and posted three new messages on the Web site and are working towards a total of 12. The first question, should I take sign language classes with my baby, is related to the usefulness of sign language classes for parents and hearing babies. The second question, are educational games good for young children, looks at the effectiveness of educational computer games in helping children learn certain skills. The third question, how do nursery rhymes help children develop language skills, explains how nursery rhymes support children's language development.

To view these FAQs please visit the Invest in Kids Web site: http://www.investinkids.ca/Pages/MyChild/answersforparents.aspx?topic=Language%20Development

Invest in Kids is a national, charitable organization dedicated to helping parents become the parents they want and need to be. By translating the science of parenting and child development into engaging, easy-to-understand, relevant resources for parents and professionals, Invest in Kids aims to strengthen the parenting knowledge, skills and confidence of all those who touch the lives of young children. This promotes the social, emotional and intellectual development of children from birth to age five. Invest in Kids receives approximately 400,000 yearly visits to their Web site, mainly from parents and professionals concerned with healthy child development.


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