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National Board of Directors Selected

It's official - the NCE Secretariat and The Canadian Language and Literacy Research Network welcome our Board of Directors to the job. The role of our national Board is to govern the corporation and represent the interests of our members and shareholders.

The Board is comprised of members from the private, academic and the public sectors that reflect the goals of the Network and our user community. One spot remains open on the Board and that is the Network Researcher representative. This position will be filled by the next Board of Directors meeting.

The Board's first meeting was held in Toronto on December 6, 2001. Highlights include approvals of the many operational functions and the operating budget. Management presented a complete historical overview and status report of the Network. In addition, Dr. Don Jamieson, CLLRNet's Scientific Director, presented the 2002 research program and its path for strategic evolution.

We are pleased to announce that Dr. Martin Walmsley, former director of Ontario Premier's Council Technology Fund, accepted the position as Chair of the Board.

Name and Contact Position and Affiliation Location

Dr. Martin Walmsley - Chair

Industrial expert and former Director, Ontario Premier's Council Technology Fund

Toronto, Ontario

Dr. Lewis Slotin

Vice-President and C.O.O. Medtech Partners

Montréal, Québec

Mr. Joe Wigglesworth

Manager, Centre for Advanced Studies, IBM Canada

Toronto, Ontario

Ms. Dianne Buckner

Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, (CBC)

Toronto, Ontario

Ms. Marie-France Menc

Lawyer: Business Consultant

Antigonish, Nova Scotia

Mr. Michael Trudeau

Partner - PriceWaterhouseCoopers LLP

Montréal, Québec

Dr. Richard Tremblay

Professor, Université de Montréal
Director, Health Canada Centre of Excellence for Early Child Development

Montréal, Québec

Dr. Greg Moran

Vice-President, Academic and Provost, The University of Western Ontario

London, Ontario

Dr. Robert Haslam

Department of Child Neurology, Alberta Children's Hospital

Calgary, Alberta

Dr. Rod Fraser

President, University of Alberta

Edmonton, Alberta

Ms. Joan Mantle

Superintendent of Schools, Rainbow District School Board

Sudbury, Ontario

Dr. Don Jamieson

Scientific Director and C.E.O. of CLLRNet

London, Ontario

Mr. Allen Zeesman

Director General, Applied Research Branch, Human Resources and Development Canada

Ottawa, Ontario

Research Representative - TBA
Nomination process underway to fill this position by election

Represents researcher peers


Mr. Dan Sinai

Managing Director, CLLRNet
Ex-officio, non-voting

London, Ontario

Ms. Louise Poulin

NCE Secretariat
Observer, non-voting

Ottawa, Ontario