The last few months have been a busy time for the Student Network Executive. At this years Annual Scientific Conference in Victoria, we held several face-to-face meetings as an Executive, and hosted a meeting for all Network students in attendance. During our pre-conference meetings, we discussed a number of new initiatives that will both complement and expand upon some of our ongoing activities.
Among our top priorities has been the recruitment of Network students to represent specific regions and/or universities represented in the Network. Student representatives will play a key role in disseminating information to Network students, as well as providing us with feedback from students. Another of our priorities has been to select additional members for the Student Network Executive. We have received several applications for both student representatives and for the Student Network Executive positions. The quality of applicants has been nothing short of impressive, which although this makes our selection difficult, it also ensures the future success of the Student Network.
Aside from our short term goal of recruiting student representatives and executive members, we also discussed a number of ways to facilitate networking among students. One of the ways we hope to increase communication is to distribute a Welcome Package to all Network students. This package, which will be mailed in the fall, will provide further details regarding our activities, as well as ask students to provide us with their own specific needs relating to the Network. We also hope to set up an on-line discussion board, so that students can share information, advice and ideas.
As students conducting language and literacy research, we have an essential role to play in bringing our knowledge back to the community. One of our most important activities involves a partnership with Frontier College, a Canada-wide volunteer literacy program, dedicated to teaching people to read and write. We were fortunate to have Philip Fernandez, Campus Program Director for Frontier College, speak at the Student Meeting in Victoria. Mr. Fernandez impressed upon the group the need for students to get involved by volunteering at their local Frontier College chapter. More information about how students can get involved will be detailed in the Student Network Welcome Package. As well, students can contact their local Frontier College Chapter for volunteer information.
At the Annual Scientific Conference in Victoria, approximately 30% of those in attendance were students. This number reinforces for us the vital role that students have and will continue to play in the success of the Network. We encourage students to become involved in Student Network activities, and hope to hear from each of you soon.
The Student Network Executive
Randy Lynn Newman, Chair
Liza Sneyd, New Initiatives
Rose Vukovic, Communications
Stella Ng, Infrastructure
Martha Anne Roberts, Ongoing Initiatives
Alice Eriks-Brophy, HQPC Liaison to the SN Executive