Member Notes and News
Three of The Network's researchers spoke at the recent 2003 American Academy of Audiology convention in April. Dennis Phillips gave a major invited presentation at an all-day workshop on "Auditory Processing Disorders: Recent Advances," while Richard Seewald presented on "Pediatric Hearing Aid Prescription: Working Toward Consensus." Benoit Jutras also presented at the annual convention. (Dennis Phillips pictured on left.)
- Two Network related newspaper stories have appeared since the last issue of dialogue.
- Pierre Cormier, Network researcher was featured in the Moncton Times & Transcript, April 30, 2021 with the article, "Sounds of letters are key to learning new languages; UdeM researcher says support from parents important for children in French Immersion who are learning two languages at once".
Click here to view the story.
Christian Beaulieu, Network researcher and his sixteen-year-old summer student, Christopher Plewes, and their dyslexia research were featured in a story that appeared in the Edmonton Journal on May 21, 2003, "Old Scona student will spend summer doing dyslexia research".
Click here to view the story.
- Network researcher Kathleen Bloom attended the launch of the Ontario government's Newborn Literacy Kit in Toronto on April 29, 2003. The Newborn Kit represents a step towards implementing a provincial literacy strategy.
- Mark Phipps, systems administrator at The Network, Steve Beaulac, Ahmed El-Madhoun, Noda Kouniakis and Joe Carrington all of The Software Development Group, attended The Real World Linux (RWL 03) Conference and Expo in Toronto. The conference, aimed at IT and executive management professionals, is the only national event focusing on Linux and open source operating systems and programs. Recognized professionals from across North America gave presentations and conducted tutorials and seminars on such systems.
- The Canadian Language and Literacy Research Network, along with Canada Research Chairs and the NCE, is co-sponsoring a lecture series themed "New Perspectives on Conflict & Cooperation," which is part of the 2003 Dorothy J. Killam Memorial Lectures. Network Board member and a Canada Research Chair in Child Development, Dr. Richard Tremblay will be speaking on "Explaining When, How and Why Humans Learn to Fight and Reconcile" on Thursday, May 29 at 8 pm. Other speakers include Dr. Margaret MacMillan, Roy Romanow and Mary Robinson. The Dorothy J. Killam Memorial Lecture Series, which is under the umbrella of the Congress of Social Sciences and Humanities, is being held from May 25 to June 4, 2021 at Dalhousie University and the University of King's College. Donald G. Jamieson, PhD, CEO and Scientific Director of The Network will also be attending this congress. For more information on the lecture series, visit: http://www.dal.ca/~congress/special_events.shtml.
- Jennifer Starcok, Network finance officer and Katy Evans, Network program coordinator recently attended the Canadian Association of University Research Administrators (CAURA) Annual Conference, held in Ottawa. CAURA is a national organization that is active in the management and administration of research. Jennifer and Katy attended sessions on research administration, finance and updates from the three granting councils. The keynote speaker of the conference was Marie Tobin, Director General, Innovation Policy Branch at Industry Canada. In addition, many of The Network's member institution research program officers were in attendance and this offered a great opportunity for administration staff to network.
- Prudence Allen, a Network researcher attended the Acoustical Society of America meeting in Nashville, Tennessee where she co-organized, and presented a special session on Developmental Psychoacoustics.