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Network Conference Days Away

The first annual Canadian Language and Literacy Research Network general conference is approaching fast, space is limited and time is running out. Anyone still interested in participating is encouraged to act quickly and complete the simple on-line registration form at www.cllrnet.ca/en/news/agm.

The Conference, which will be held in Ottawa at the Marriott Hotel, May 2-May 4, 2002, focuses on developing the national Network. The conference is a forum for knowledge sharing, networking and opening minds. In order to generate communication among network researchers a poster session is scheduled and is available to each Network Funded Project. The posters are an important part of our conference plan since such a diverse range of fellow researchers and students will be attending. It is our hope that, with your help, these posters can provide information and launch discussion on how we can strengthen the Network’s research program and achieve our goals of improving and sustaining children’s language and literacy development.

We are only beginning the process of forming the Network. Exactly what The Network will become depends on us. So join us for the First Annual Canadian Language and Literacy General Conference May 2-4, 2002 in Ottawa. We are looking forward to this event and anticipate that it will serve as an opportunity to share the science and open minds.

If you have any questions please refer to our FAQ page.
Preview the conference agenda at http://www.cllrnet.ca/en/news/agm/ConferenceProgram.pdf

We are excited to announce that the welcome reception, which will take place on Thursday May 2, will be located in The River Lobby of the Canadian Museum of Civilization. The Lobby is located at the far end of the Grand Hall and offers a spectacular view of the Ottawa River and its shoreline. It promises to be a fun evening.


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