The Board met on May 27, 2021 in Toronto to discuss The Network's progress and strategies for the future. Outcomes from this meeting included the approval of an evolution of The Network's vision and goals. In addition, the Board approved the formation of two new committees designed to help achieve the set goals.
The long-term vision and goals for The Network are as follows:
The Canadian Language and Literacy Research Network will improve language and literacy skills in Canadian children, enabling them to contribute more effectively to the social and economic life of their communities.
The Canadian Language and Literacy Research Network will create an integrated network of researchers, practitioners and government policy makers in early childhood literacy and learning in Canada. This Network will continue its work after our Networks of Centres of Excellence support ends.
- Create knowledge and combine this with existing knowledge to improve the language and literacy skills of Canadian children.
- Establish networks of selected groups of practitioners to facilitate the application of research to practice.
- Measure the efficacy of conventional practices in the field and apply available knowledge to create improved education and treatment plans and protocols.
- Establish permanent networks with federal and provincial governments. These networks would work to ensure that relevant policies reflect the best knowledge concerning ways to improve language and literacy skills in early childhood. The networks would also work to ensure that programs are systematically evaluated and refined within a new culture of commitment to accountability, rooted in the principles of evidence-based practice.
The two new Board committees and their responsibilities are as follows:
The first new committee is the Planning and Priorities Committee. The committee is comprised of: Martin Walmsely, Chair of the Board of Directors; three other Board members appointed by the Board's Executive Committee; Donald G. Jamieson, CEO and Scientific Director; and Dan Sinai, Managing Director (non-voting). Each member will serve a two-year staggered term. The committee will meet at least once a year and reports directly to the Board.
The committee is responsible for evolving the strategic plan, recommending funding envelopes for Network activities, providing direction to Network management regarding allocation of resources and personnel, and recommending strategies for The Network's renewal, alternative financing and strategic positioning.
The second committee, named the Partners Committee, has the mandate of developing and implementing a plan to strengthen and advance partnering activities. Membership of this committee includes: one member of the Planning and Priorities Committee (this person also acts as chair); 10 representatives from Network partners, each being appointed by the Board Executive; the Scientific Director; and The Managing Director(non-voting).
At the same meeting, the Board also said goodbye to retiring Board member, Richard Tremblay. Dr. Tremblay remains a Network researcher with the project entitled, "Using a Genetically Informative Longitudinal Design to Identify Homogeneous Subtypes of Language and Reading Impairment and Mechanisms Linking them to Social Maladjustment" with Project Leader Ginette Dionne. Dr. Tremblay has participated in several Network-related activities, including delivering the speech, "New Perspectives on Conflict & Cooperation," part of the 2003 Dorothy J. Killam Memorial Lectures, which was co-sponsored by The Network, the NCE and Canada Research Chairs.
We are pleased to have this opportunity to thank Dr. Tremblay, on behalf of everyone at The Network, for his role in helping to form the Board of Directors and in helping The Network to achieve the success it has.