An objective of our Network is to facilitate access to knowledge relating to language and literacy development.
Relevant activities include:
- reviewing the available scientific knowledge in a systematic and bias-free manner, and
- summarizing this knowledge in a form that is useful for policy development and program implementation, as well as for education and for further research.
We anticipate that The Network will organize several such review/summary activities during 2003-05.
As part of the preparation for this initiative, we are inviting Network participants to recommend topics for review and summary. Also at this time, we wish to identify Network participants who have an interest in assisting with this initiative.
A. Identification of Topics for Systematic Review
Please assist our planning by identifying specific topics that would be suitable for a systematic review and/or summary report by our Network. Topics suggested should be ones for which you believe that:
- There exists a body of scientific research sufficient to support a successful review and report;
- Undertaking this review and providing a report would make a significant contribution to scientific research and/or to policy and practice;
- Our Network contains the expertise required for the review/report cycle;
- There is no suitable, current review and/or report on the topic presently available or under development.
For each topic you identify, please
- Describe the topic to be reviewed and/or summarized;
- State whether the topic a) is suitable for both systematic review and summary; or b) requires the preparation of a summary report only (e.g., at least one suitable systematic review is available, but the relevant knowledge is not widely disseminated and/or not readily accessible);
- Identify the primary audience(s) for this knowledge (e.g., researchers, policymakers, teachers, speech-language pathologists);
- Identify Network Themes that fit most closely with the proposed review/summary.
B. Survey of Interest in Systematic Reviews / Knowledge Summary Initiative.
In addition to suggesting topics, please let us know whether you have an interest in participating in our review/summary initiative, by providing the following information:
- Are you interested in contributing to the systematic review initiative: YES/NO.
- Do you have previous experience undertaking systematic / critical reviews: YES/NO.
- If you do have such experience, please provide a brief summary of such experience (e.g., I am/was a member of a Canadian Ministry of Health Working Group, preparing report on Topic MM; I am/was a member of a Cochrane group on topic ZZ; I published a review in journal on topic YY; I was contracted by the BC Ministry of Children and Youth to write report on topic XX).
Please direct your responses immediately to Ann Marie Schenk at
Thanks for your assistance.