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 ISSUE 6   November 2003  


Measures Catalogue Launched


The Network Research Measures Catalogue, an online, searchable database of Network assessment measure information, is now available for use. The development of the catalogue has been a collaborative effort between Edudata Canada and The Network.








Currently, the catalogue allows you to search for measures that match the criteria you select; this includes a researcher's name, a specific construct, keyword, or measure type. The information provided includes general facts about the measure, as well as specific information related to the studies that it is currently being used for. Sources for the measures and contact information for the researchers are also provided.

The ultimate goal of this project is to facilitate knowledge transfer among Network researchers. Your input and cooperation are vital to the development of the catalogue.

Any questions/comments and updates to your information may be directed to Andrea Hartshorne,, or 604.822.2338.

To view the Search Engine now, click on the link .You may then log in, or register for an account if you do not already have one. Click on Registration Help if you encounter any problems logging in or registering. Please note, your Measures Catalogue Discussion Forum login, which was sent to researchers in April/May 2003, may be used to access the search circle.


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