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 ISSUE 3   august 2002  

$25,000 Peter Gzowski Scholarship Launched by The Network


The purpose of the scholarship is to develop and foster graduate training that integrates university with community objectives related to child and family literacy.


As a tribute to the late Peter Gzowski and his contribution to communication and literacy across Canada, the Canadian Language and Literacy Research Network, in partnership with Frontier College, is pleased to announce a prestigious $25,000/year scholarship for PhD students. The purpose of the scholarship is to develop and foster graduate training that integrates university with community objectives related to child and family literacy. Students may apply from any graduate program from any university in Canada.

"We can learn a great deal from forming research partnerships," said Dr. Donald Jamieson, the Network's CEO and Scientific Director. "One objective of this partnership is to collect and organize the knowledge of Frontier College, an institution specializing in the delivery of literacy services. Another is to make research and evaluation a routine part of delivering literacy programs. We want to learn something about what works and what doesn't on an ongoing basis and to apply this knowledge to continually improve services. An advantage of The Network is that when we discover something, we can share the information very widely -- among service delivery agencies and specialists as well as within the research community,” said Jamieson.

The scholarship award winner will design, conduct and complete a PhD dissertation on a topic relevant to family, child, or adolescent language and literacy. The research will be conducted in association with community-based literacy programs and will represent the philosophy of Frontier College in uniting the university and the community for the advancement of Canadian literacy and language.

The scholarship award will be given for two consecutive years (with an additional third year of support in clearly justifiable cases). Additionally, The Network will supplement travel and living expenses related to project training and research while at Frontier College’s head office in Toronto.

Applicants will have completed a Master’s degree or its equivalent before taking up the award, and must be accepted for PhD training by his/her university.

The deadline for receiving all applications is 5 August 2002.

For further details about the Peter Gzowski Scholarship Project, visit www.cllrnet.ca.


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