Student Poster presentation was an integral part of the 4th Annual Network Conference. Participants from three different categories, PhD/Postdoctoral, Masters and Undergraduate, had the opportunity to present their work through the use of posters.
Search posters
Student Poster Competition
This year, 20 student posters were presented and three $500 prizes were awarded to the following first authors in each category:
PhD - Corinne Haigh - The Activation of Phonological Representations by
Bilinguals: Evidence from Interlingual Homophones (The University of Western
Ontario, supervisor Debra Jared)
Masters - Kate Spear - Linguistic Differences Between Shy and Non-Shy
Preschoolers: Does Performance Anxiety Play a Role? (University of Guelph -
Supervisor Mary Ann Evans)
Undergraduate - Marie-Claude Boudreault - Influence de la scolarité maternelle,
du sexe et de la frequentation d'un milieu de garde sur le développement
lexical de l'enfant francophone (Université de Montréal - Supervisor
Natacha Trudeau)
Runners Up
Postdoc, Karen Mattock - Babbling of infants exposed to Canadian English and Canadian (McGill University - Supervisor Susan Rvachew)
Postdoc, Monika Molnar - The Impact of Otitis Media on Infant Phonetic Perception (McGill University - Supervisor Linda Polka)
Congratulations to the winners and all the best on pursuing your research!