My Profile

Jeren Balayeva

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Jeren holds a Master's degree in Library and Information Science from The University of Western Ontario. Previously, she earned a M.A. in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages and a Doctorate in Education in Adult and Higher Education in the United States. She did her undergraduate work at the Turkmen National Institute of World Languages where she double-majored in Teaching English and Teaching Russian/Russian Literature.

While in the United States, Jeren was actively involved in literacy-related work, and she served as a TESOL consultant for a public school system in the state of Kentucky. She also taught a wide range of courses at six institutions of higher education (two in Turkmenistan and four in the U.S.). In 2003, she received the Outstanding Teacher of the Year award from Laramie County Community College in Wyoming. Her CLLRNet responsibilities include working with the Knowledge Management Committee to develop the Encyclopedia of Language and Literacy Development, serving as CLLRNet�s liaison to a key funding partner � the Early Childhood Learning Knowledge Centre (ECLKC) � and providing knowledge-related support services, such as literature searches for CLLRNet�s CEO and Scientific Director, particularly with respect to his role as Co-Chair of ECLKC�s Scientific Committee.

The language and culture of my heritage is passed on to me orally. it's a different way of learning than how I am taught at school. How do I keep my traditional culture alive while learning to read and being immersed in the majority culture?

Reading is the core of learning and staying in school. Improving my reading skills will open up the doors to future prospects.

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