Tips for Posters:
Allocated Poster Space
- Each project is allocated a poster panel surface measuring 8’ wide by 4 ‘ high.
- Accepted poster presentations will be allocated space, which will be identified with the poster title.
- Please respect the parameters of the allocated space by not infringing on the poster area beside yours.
Mounting and Removing Materials:
- Mount your materials on the panel, which has been reserved for your poster, and leave them there for the full session.
- Materials should be mounted on thin, coloured poster paper or cardboard.
- Avoid using heavy cardboard, which may be difficult to keep in position on the poster panel.
- Materials can only be mounted on the panel by means of pins that will be provided.
- Do not write or mark the poster panels in any way.
Arranging Materials:
- The top of your poster should have a clear label indicating the abstract title, authors and affiliations. Lettering should be at least 1” high.
- It may be preferable to arrange materials in columns rather than rows. It is easier for viewers to scan a poster by moving systematically along it rather than by zigzagging back and forth.
- If applicable, an introduction should be placed at the upper left, and a conclusion at the lower right, both in large typescript.
Poster Area:
- You are responsible for keeping your poster area clean and unencumbered with materials.
- The only item that should be in your area is the poster itself.
- Any packaging materials or other personal items may be stored in the conference storage room.
We wish you good luck for your poster presentation
and hope you enjoy the conference!
Last Modified: March 26 2003 14:00:38. |